Fearing or Disliking Parents at times, Aspie problem?

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27 Jul 2008, 11:04 am

My parents are very caring and supporting parents. They help me with college, and even though I have Asperger's, they make sure that I learn what I know to survive on my own someday.

But there are times where I think negitive towards them, even though they haven't said anything to tick me off just yet. I knew I had these feelings and felt guilty for having them so I would start having small talk to them about anything just to make sure that everything is okay. But that's kind of running to them so I can feel better at age 20 and that's not realy an appropirate train of tought for my age.

I think it's simply because I can't relate to them. I consider my true self to be a cartoon loving goofball whille they ar more serious people and having a sarcastic dry since of humor that comes up once in a whille.

Other way to put it is through Myers Briggs personality test

Me----------------------ENFP / ENTJ

Them-------------------ESFJ / ISTJ

I feel lonely at times or depressed or even trapped and having urges to think fantasys of how I want my future to go.

I have a strong inner child but low self confidence. Without relating to people, at times I just give up and become depressed.

It's like I can't reconize how my parents are feeling because to me they are so serious, It's hard to tell what's on their mind. One moment they are silent, the next they ask me a uninteresting question about my personal life in wish I would feel nervious answering then go up stairs being all ticked off and stuff.

But anyways, yeah................I think it has something to do with unrelation interest and personality wise that gets me down. I still live with them and I don't have a car so It feels like time is slowly being wasted.

Anyways, do you have the problem that you can't relate to your parents or they can't relate to you personality and interest wise plus having times of feeling like you want them to make you smile even though you are a young adult and you should gain your own self-confidence yourself?

Sea Gull
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27 Jul 2008, 11:55 am

My parents do not understand me, and I do not understand them. They do not know why I do stuff such as pace, and think I am nervous or just trying to tick them off when I pace/stim. My parents will be shutting down the network at 10 pm when school starts, but they do not get that I listen to an internet radio show when I sleep. I can not listen to my music, or I will be up all night changing the songs to what I want to listen to at that time. And every time I tell them to stay out of my room when I am gone, they still go in, move things around and throw things away.
And when I get bullied at school, they used to say to fight back, but I did not want to, and then when I did, I got in serious trouble and had to take anger management and got kicked out of school. So now they tell me to just walk away, but I can not do that when they are surrounding me! And every time I get upset about something they are doing to upset me, they act like its my fault, and that I should not be getting upset about the things I do get upset about! e.g. Last week, I was trying to clean the bathrooms when my brothers were bugging the hell out of me, and were trying to tell me how to clean, like I was a child. And when I told my brothers to get their crap off of the sink, because they do not like it when I touch their stuff, they were being as*holes about it, telling me to move it to the other side of the sink, but I prefer to clean the sink completely, not move stuff around like that, so I just started to slide my arm on the sink, pushing all of their crap off of the counter, my brother hit me, I hit him back, went in my room and locked the door. My brother started to hit and kick my door, making the hole that is in it bigger, and I just had a complete meltdown! And every time I try to explain this to my parents, they do not want to listen and just tell me to shut up, and taking my brothers version over mine because my brothers friend was over as a witness, but his friend was lying! And my entire family still wonder why I have a meltdown whenever my brothers antagonize me and hit me and make fun of me and play their music really loud on their speakers with the bass all the way up, or playing extremely high-pitched notes on their speakers.

My entire family think there is something wrong with me, but there is something wrong with them! Why the hell would they ever want to have such a hectic lifestyle?

/end rant

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27 Jul 2008, 1:55 pm

Wow, I'm sorry to hear that.

I feel disconnected with my parents at times, then I feel guilty for my emotions so instead of appoligizing for something they don't know, I just start small talk.

I need to learn how to weed away from my parents a little bit and learn to deal with my own emotions, even if they say something and I take it out of context, I have to do something of my interests in order to get my mind off of it.

I'm 20 and still live with my parents.

There's times where I feel trapped and feel that my parents are after me or that I feel that no one in my family loves me anymore.

I guess it's just an adult thing to move from.

for example

When kids need to learn how to stop sleeping with stuffed animals it later moves on to pillows, then weeding away from parents giving you attention all the time to finding a soul mate in your life sooner or later.

It all invalves LOVE and Attention.

And Change SUCKS, esspecially for Aspies. But I guess it's a forum of growing up.

Never getting rid of love completely, just a new forum.

You know what I mean?


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27 Jul 2008, 3:37 pm

I am the freak in my family. They kind of tip toe around me, don't know what to make of me. They've never understood me, which gets really annoying sometimes.

Just got back from a family vacation, where it was once again made all too clear.


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29 Jul 2008, 8:12 pm

If they don't relate to you, they don't know what's best for you even though they think they do. That's scary, because then they can do things they think is best for you that could seriously harm or even kill you.

Throw out the bad and keep the good. If you live with them, move out and just visit them as often as you like. You don't need to be with them 24/7.