Benji_million wrote:
Last school year, I acquired quite a few friends at school and eventually we all connected on myspace and stuff. Well this year, which just started for me, it seems like everyone (except 1-2 people) wants to ignore me and that's pretty much also what happened all summer. My "friends" seem to have lost their sense of my existence.
something like that happened to me Freshmen year-sophmore year, all the people I thought I had pop support turned on me, ignored me and even f****d with me.
Home: For the first time in a long time, I flipped out on my parents a few nights ago. They think me and all other aspies should just be in jail, which is so untrue.
lol wut? Damn
That's it...oh wait, it was too much. Hopefully I didn't strain your eyes too much making you read this because I did strain my eyes typing it...
odd. This is shorter than normally
I am a Star Wars Fan, Warsie here.
Masterdebating on chi-city's south side.......!