Tinky! Not evacuating will make FEMA cry!
You should be in some country school gym with a thousand other people!
Weather update, all the hot air from the politicals and news has blown the storm apart. It keeps moving faster and falling apart.
They spent several hundred million on a tropical storm.
1.9 million quit working, left, and after milking this for overtime, they will be allowed to come back.
1.9 million X $1,000 a head, $2 Billion, gas, food, lodging, a week of lost work.
$5 Billion in overkill, for a thunderstorm.
From not showing up at all for Hurricane Katrina, to a full invasion for Thunderstorm Gustave.
Sometimes we get three of these a year.
For that kind of money we can build another city, say in New Madrid, MO, and a rail system connecting the two.
Yes, Republicans are capable of spending money, and creating a Police State, after such things as 9/11 and Katrina. They can't deal with the problem, but it is an excuse to tear up the Law, and Dictate.
The Sheriff of my Parish has announced thet we are incarceated on our property, until further notice, crossing the street to talk to your neighbor is grounds to be take to jail.
Homeland Security, we don't need no Constitution, we have guns.
No one has said Martial Law was declared.
As Mayor of this City I am ordering everyone to leave till I say you can come back.
Anyone who does not leave is confined to their property.
Since when do Mayors have that kind of power?
Everyone in the Country is under Self Arrest! Start marching to Siberia!
This is not a good model for dealing with Thunderstorms.
During Katrina they responded, they ringed the city with men with guns, within hours, letting no one in or out, then waited a week to come in.
Then they kept us out for six weeks.
So what was the Government Plan, a City in Rebellion?
This time they drive the population out, and bring in 1750 National Guard, to occupy.
What are they practicing for?
That's right, we have oil, and voters, get rid of the voters, and the oil belongs to the State.
Although we are incarcerated, and forbidden to set foot off our cell, we are also told that we will get no Police, Fire, EMT, services. They are all still here, collecting 24/7 overtime, playing cards, and do not want to be bothered.
Supplies have been stockpiled, but not for us. They are for the Government occupation force.
As usual, they want the river, they want the oil, they do not want us.
From the Wrong planet Channel in Occupied New Orleans, now over to Tinky for an update on WEEE!! !