This really annoyed me. What do you think?
A few months ago my mom signed up for some blog research thing where you're paid to write and comment on multiple things, as well as answer questions. She used all the family's names(without me knowing).
When she told us about it, she aske if any of us were going to do it. I didn't want to do any ridiculous blog, but at the same time, I wasn't comfortable with someone using my name and trying to mimic my opinions. Even if I had anomity, I still wasn't comfortable with it. Especially with my mom's extremely poor grammar...she said she wouldn't use mine then.
But when I looked over the site, I found she had been using the account with my name. Sure enough, her grammar was shocking and her attempt to mimic me was embarrassing and frustrating. I swear, if that was said in the real world...
I was so angry. Frustrated, annoyed, depressed. Yet when I confronted her she tried to defend herself saying it was a job, and that she was getting paid and it doesn't really matter.
But I don't care if she doesn't think it matters. It matters to me and she didn't respect me.
What do you think? Am I ovvereacting here?
if, i would be over reacting too. i understand how frustrating it must be. i went mad when someone only tried to retell something i said some time ago and he didn't use the exact words i used. perhaps the meaning was still the same, but i would have never said it that way. people never understood why i didn't like it.
can other people, who know you and don't know about it, find it out there and think it is really you writing?
Timeo hominem unius libri, I fear the man of one book, St. Thomas Aquinas.
I completely understand where your coming from, up until recently i never knew i had aspergers (i always knew i was different and i knew that aspergers was like autism and i even knew that my idiosyncasies were like those found in autism but i never put two and two together) so it was very difficult for me socially and since i was never going to be a social genius so all i had interpersonally was a sort of mutual respect, which took alot for me to build, so if somebody went and done something to tarnish that especially if i had specifically requested the didnt do whatever it was, then i would be very infuriated indeed.
And if it really didnt matter to her so much then why didnt she just make up a name or use a friend/neighbours?
So i completely understand your thinking but then again, its your mum, you cant stay mad at her
btw this is my first post here so hi =)
You're not overreatcting. That's not right at all.
If my mom tried to mimic my writing style, I would be angry too. It's not that she has poor grammar - We just 'talk' differently.
You have a right to be upset about that. Especially since your mom put your name out there without asking.
Even if it is a job, your mom shouldn't have done that. It's a violation of privacy, it's embarassing, and it's rude.
"...The heart's desire is found... in an unexpected place..."
Tailchaser's Song" by Tad Williams
Okay, thanks for your support guys, and in case anyone's curious(and because I'm randomly getting pissed about this again and need to vent more) here's a few examples of the embarrassing and outright stiupid things she tried to mimic me on. Keep in mind these aren't my opinions, they're just her extremely poor attempt to understand how my mind works. Copied directly from the source so all grammar and spelling is hers:
Commenting on ''Spongebob Squarepants'':
What I think:-Okay, I like the show, even now that I'm older...when I was younger it made me laugh. Now I just watch it, it's good but no longer makes me laugh out loud.
What she put:-I love the programme i find it really funny but as the adults have no sense of humour they will not find it funny will they?
Why this annoys me:-Spongebob...very minor thing, but still. Since when have I said adults have no sense of humour? And I don't like people telling me how much I like a thing or not. This is something my mom does WAY too often.
Commenting on ''The Simpsons'':
What I think:-It's fine.
What she put:-I love the Simpons and i like it when they have celebreties on. Its very funny and i look forward to it coming on each week to.
Why this annoys me:-Again, this is a minor one. But DO I LOOK LIKE A BLOODY CELEBRITY OBSESSED CRAZY?!
Commenting on ''The Passion of Christ'':
What I think:-Never seen the film, not religious anyway.
What she put:-I dont believe any thing in this at all…i get told of in RE because i dont believe but im allowed my own opinion!
Why this annoys me:-Aside from totally butchering the English Language...just...who would say things like this? Seriously...I can't explain the festering rage it makes me feel. And since when have I ever got into trouble in Religious Education because I'm not a bloody believer?!
Commenting on ''Teenagers-Are they getting taller'':
What I think:-Improved nutrition and overall health so yes.
What she put:-Im bullied sometimes at school and im growing really tall now so its really helping me to tower over them!
Why this annoys me:-Who talks like this?! WHO! Seriously...this is just so ret*d. I've never, EVER claimed I'm ''towering over bullies'' or any crap. I don't even get bullied! Well a little but this is just...ARGH! I WANT TO SCREAM!
Here are a few more examples:
I love the school holidays nobody telling me what to do and i can go to bed and get up when i want. Every day should be a holiday!
I find this really silly and im not very good at taking jokes especially when the kids at school take them to far and are dangerous, like pulling the chairs out from under me!
I have a food phobia, the smell and look of food makes me feel really sick. I hate going to resturants with my parents and on holiday i have to eat first then they can go and eat its not my fault im like this!
Im going to see High School Musical 2 really looking forward to it but i hope its as good as the films
Us children like what we like. I only like certain foods and no amount of persuading will make me eat anything else… im normally sick, so i think my parents have given up and just let me eat what i like. T V or advertiseing has no afect on my eating.
All of these are just so ridiculous...
I'm so mad right now.