Hi Firebird - I can sense you're really suffering. Like the others have said, please see a doctor. If you feel uncomfortable to reveal, print what you posted and show your doctor. Any doctor should give you a referral asap. Suicidal intent should be taken SERIOUSLY. Just curious - is you Dx Asperger's Syndrome &/or HFA? What precisely is your Dx (just rhetorical, you do not need to answer here)? But share this information with a doctor, regardless.
I do hope you feel better soon. There is medication/treatment to help. I sure don't know, but if you're taking prescription medication for AS, this certainly could effect your thoughts/behavior - another consideration.
That being said, you are exhibiting symptoms of classic schizophrenia. In any case, see a doctor right away. Please don't hurt yourself....You'll be okay w/ treatment. Plus, you have friends here.
The ones who say “You can’t” and “You won’t” are probably the ones scared that you will. - Unknown