slowmutant wrote:
That is VERY sick.
*nods* Thank you, sir.
and to donkey, I mean 'sick' as in psychotic. But yes, I do know sick also means 'above cool', as I learned from the Tony Hawk skateboarding games.
Anyways, if you think that's sick, I've got some updates to this situation.
After having a long nap, from 10am to 2pm, I woke up to the sound of conversation downstairs, talking about my brother. He had just come back from a dentist's appointment, and was a little annoyed at discovering he had like 6 cavities! (he drinks tons of regular soda, but barely ever brushes his teeth) So yes, I will be able to attend my first Chorus practice tonight with a clear, calm mind, knowing that good karma has pulled through for me.
And even if it hadn't, I think that, while taking my morning walk, he snuck into my room and stole one of my video games, presumably to snap in in half! True, if that did happen, I'm a little bummed about that, but on the other least *he* got angry at me in return, so that cancels my bad morning out.
Somehow, the word 'schadenfreude'...just doesn't quite say it.