Hey folks! Guess what?
I'm writing to you all from the bed of room 211A in York Hospital...my second visit in a month, and I'll tell you why.
Remember how the last time I was here, was because of the dime I swallowed back in September, and it had got lodged in my small intestine? Well, 2 weeks after my dismissal papers, not only did the dimes (yes, DIMES! I didn't think all 3 would've stayed) move a few inches along...they wen't *out* of me! That is, perforated my bowel walls and into my abdomen, causing an infection!
Luckily, me and mom sensed something life-threatening had happened when last Saturday morning, I woke up with the feeling like I was going into septic shock, so mom took my tempoerature, which was 100F. So she didn't fool around, she sent me right away with Dad back to York to get another CAT scan, which revealed what I just told you in the previous paragraph. So they didn't fool around either; they opted for immediate surgery to remove the dimes, the imflammed bowel tract, AND stave off the perforation infection.
The first 3 days...were absolute HELL for me! Excruciating belly pain almost every hour, made worse when I coughed, almost fainting when I had to be helped up to go to the toilet, and TUBES!! ! The first 3 days after surgery, I had no less then TEN things attached to me; five pads on my chest to record life signs, two I.V.s in my left arm, a cappeta tube in my hoo-ha, and devices on my shins to keep the circulation in my feet going! I felt like a non-human being with all that junk attached to me!
*sighs* well, I guess I deserved it...because I did intentionally swallow those 3 dimes back in September as a punishment for trying to get frisky with my ex when she wasn't in the mood for it. The 7-inch staple scar on my belly will permanently remind me of this, and rightfully so...
ttyl, Usagi1992