Oh, snap, not again. @_@ *best read with an Eric Cartmen...*

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Sea Gull
Sea Gull

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06 Apr 2008, 6:39 pm

*...from South Park voice*

Ok, I need a massive skills boost with Enlish.
Pod_Payne/Darien, Rex_Beowulf my sh*****g sh***y SAT enlish score and own mother have made it clear...unfornately, money is short, even for a community college, and for some godforsaken reason, my parents are against me applying for a 10k scholarship....wtf...is right.....So basically, I'm only supposed to have 12 credits per semester, cuz Jesus ghosty f****d ass christ knows my incompetent self couldn't handle any f*****g more.

I WAS hoping for taking that f*****g beginning course in Engineering to AT LEAST see how I fare (zomehgawd, fear teh spelling errors und incompetence X_X)But gawd knows I won't be able to f*****g handle basic s**t with s**t even my own mother expected me to be good with even years ago before "personally growing with"
f**k...whatever...I swear, times like this I don't know whether jebus wants me to either drop out of life, or just drop dead...f*****g f*****s. goddamnit.

And the next person (you know who you are) to make a f*****g complaint about my f*****g grammar/spellling, please, come here so I can kick your f*****g ass...f*****g son of a b***h. @_@


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06 Apr 2008, 6:55 pm

Sorry, but I laughed at this. There really isn't much more I can say, besides, well, good luck. 8O

Sea Gull
Sea Gull

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06 Apr 2008, 7:09 pm

Ok...I guess with the Eric cartman thing, it was to be expected, but it was still serious, regardless....
So yeah...and thanks...I think... '>_>

Sea Gull
Sea Gull

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13 Apr 2008, 10:21 am

I figure I'll just add this onto this thread, since I don't feel like going through the channels of making another venting thread.

The title says it all.
Everyone I've ever come into contact with says I'm smart/driven etc.
I see a number of possibities with this.

1. They're trying to cuddle me.
2. They mean compared to other people in just math/physics, not overarching.
3. They're full of s**t.

Or some combination thereof.

After attending two Aspergers Autism Ass. Meetings of Calvert County, my mom said that I was most likely "the smartest aspie in the state of Maryland" and/or "Ahead of everyone there" With the exception of one of the speakers, a Pol. Sci. major at UMBC in the latter.

Coming to the web, and here included, I've yet to wonder if even that is true, or if it's just worthless and even more s**t.
With people with aspergers (and in my former bf's case, alot more) who are fine, and ahead of most NT's socially and academically.
And guys here like Orwell, who will no doubt cure HIV/AIDS, the Common Cold and Cancer before reaching age 25.

So despite, IQ, test scores, AP's etc etc etc, I know or at least feel average. I mean, sure there are people who suck at academics, but who are so industrious, will more likely than not, end up rich with their own business.
And others who while, suck at academics, are so tech savvy/mature that they'll never need maintainence people for their computers or car in their life, along with making a lucerative living in that (one dude my dad knows who's into tech support gets paid about 125k a year).
So overall, who gives a s**t?
So I'm good at math and physics?
I suck at tech stuff. My engineering and english skills, especially engineering skills, are in dire need of help, and that's at best. ><
Ok, seriously, the person who said that physics and math = engineering, is so full of s**t, or either that or so good with their hands/social skills that they really need a kick in the ass. ><
*shrugs* Lucky basterds... I could go on about more...but whatever.

Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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10 Oct 2008, 4:32 am

I met you at that meeting, didn't I?