Right now I just want to kill my mother I want that god damn f*****g b***h to suffer. I hate her for what she did to me, allowing a doctor to cut part of my body off, choking me, refusing to feed me. I hate that f*****g cow I want to kill her because it seem the law is of no help to me it is all f****d up What gave that f*****g god damn stupid ass b***h the right to say go right a head doctor mutilate his penis he won't need his foreskin. My god this woman drank while I was in the womb, did illegal drugs while I was in the womb, smoked heavily while I was in the womb and to top it all off she married a convicted sex offender. Reports show their was evidence I was molested as early as two my god and you let her make an important decision about my body my f*****g god the entire system is f****d up big time.
I can't stand it I feel so broken, and their is nothing I can do about it, all I can do is beat myself till I have bruises all over myself. I can't stand it I want the pain to go away it is eating me alive. The words my body my rights keep popping up in my head. What kills me is so many of these women who fight for abortion rights saying stuff like my body my rights are the same whores who are violating million's of male infant's bodies. I am confused how so f*****g confused I wish someone would take a gun and shoot me so I don't have to suffer but nope it won't happen it is as if I must suffer.
GRRRRRRRR But I don't blame my mother as much as the doctor at least she has a good excuse I mean she had no brain her IQ was around 70 without the drugs and all the other s**t, but that doctor whom ever he or she is worse than a child molester. I have been molested, I was molested for years and years but my circumcision is causing me more pain and suffering than that has ever done. If I could I would slit that doctor's throat if it is a woman and if it is a man I will cut his ding dong off and let him bleed to death.
Now what makes matters worse is people say well you don't remember or its not that big of a deal. Ok fine so I don't remember but knowing that my most private body part was mutilated against my will that is enough to f*****g piss me off, oh and if you have not noticed it is a f*****g huge deal to me. So if your going to post something along the lines of calm down then don't even post because I don't want to hear it because if your cannot empathize with me then I don't want to see anything you write.
I can't stand it I feel so broken, and their is nothing I can do about it, all I can do is beat myself till I have bruises all over myself. I can't stand it I want the pain to go away it is eating me alive. The words my body my rights keep popping up in my head. What kills me is so many of these women who fight for abortion rights saying stuff like my body my rights are the same whores who are violating million's of male infant's bodies. I am confused how so f***ing confused I wish someone would take a gun and shoot me so I don't have to suffer but nope it won't happen it is as if I must suffer.
GRRRRRRRR But I don't blame my mother as much as the doctor at least she has a good excuse I mean she had no brain her IQ was around 70 without the drugs and all the other sh**, but that doctor whom ever he or she is worse than a child molester. I have been molested, I was molested for years and years but my circumcision is causing me more pain and suffering than that has ever done. If I could I would slit that doctor's throat if it is a woman and if it is a man I will cut his ding dong off and let him bleed to death.
Now what makes matters worse is people say well you don't remember or its not that big of a deal. Ok fine so I don't remember but knowing that my most private body part was mutilated against my will that is enough to f***ing piss me off, oh and if you have not noticed it is a f***ing huge deal to me. So if your going to post something along the lines of calm down then don't even post because I don't want to hear it because if your cannot empathize with me then I don't want to see anything you write.
Understand I was destroyed by the mother and father as well... They are both mental themselves - as I now believe - and bringing two children into this world was f*****g selfish and mistaken... Their genetical defects and deficits - made me become nothiness.
I can't stand it I feel so broken, and their is nothing I can do about it, all I can do is beat myself till I have bruises all over myself. I can't stand it I want the pain to go away it is eating me alive. The words my body my rights keep popping up in my head. What kills me is so many of these women who fight for abortion rights saying stuff like my body my rights are the same whores who are violating million's of male infant's bodies. I am confused how so f***ing confused I wish someone would take a gun and shoot me so I don't have to suffer but nope it won't happen it is as if I must suffer.
GRRRRRRRR But I don't blame my mother as much as the doctor at least she has a good excuse I mean she had no brain her IQ was around 70 without the drugs and all the other sh**, but that doctor whom ever he or she is worse than a child molester. I have been molested, I was molested for years and years but my circumcision is causing me more pain and suffering than that has ever done. If I could I would slit that doctor's throat if it is a woman and if it is a man I will cut his ding dong off and let him bleed to death.
Now what makes matters worse is people say well you don't remember or its not that big of a deal. Ok fine so I don't remember but knowing that my most private body part was mutilated against my will that is enough to f***ing piss me off, oh and if you have not noticed it is a f***ing huge deal to me. So if your going to post something along the lines of calm down then don't even post because I don't want to hear it because if your cannot empathize with me then I don't want to see anything you write.
Understand I was destroyed by the mother and father as well... They are both mental themselves - as I now believe - and bringing two children into this world was f***ing selfish and mistaken... Their genetical defects and deficits - made me become nothiness.
Some people don't deserve to be parents perhaps guinea pigs for lab research on deadly diseases but not the guardians for children especially those who cannot defend themselves. What kills me if I was to tie a man down and amputate his foreskin and throw it in the trash I would be arrested and thrown behind bars for assaulting and causing emotional distress among other psychological problems but since a doctor did it with my mother's consent not mine but her consent it is fine. That is so f****d up here I am a new born baby, all I want is a nice crib, a breast to nurse from, a diaper change every now and then and someone to care for me but what I get is some sick freak who is worse than the worst pedophile strapping me down, and ripping my foreskin from my glans then cutting them away while I am awake, with no pain killers against my will. What happened to respecting people's bodies???? Or doing no harm??? Or not listening to the woman who's IQ is room temperature who has been drinking thought the pregnancy, while doing illegal drugs, having promiscuous sex and smoking all the time? Sometimes I wonder if she was tricked or manipulated into it after all she most likely didn't have the brain cells figure 2-2= 0 before labor set in I doubt she even knew who the f*****g hell she was by the end of it all.
How do you know it was done against your will?
How old were you at the time? One?
Out of the litany of offenses in your post, I'm sorry, but having you circumcised, especially in light of data that suggests circumcision actually helps prevent the spread of STDs like AIDS, comes across as a good thing to me.
Now the drinking, drug use, and molestation -
THAT sucks.
How old were you at the time? One?
Out of the litany of offenses in your post, I'm sorry, but having you circumcised, especially in light of data that suggests circumcision actually helps prevent the spread of STDs like AIDS, comes across as a good thing to me.
Now the drinking, drug use, and molestation -
THAT sucks.
I was a new born, less than a month old and most of the data concerning HIV and STDs is questionable with some research saying yes their is a reduced risk and some research saying their is an increased risk with some saying it is about equal between the too. Now then what if a doctor cut your eye lids off with your parent's permission would you be angry? What if they cut a toe off and said it was a birth defect??? The fact is it is my body and they forced an elective surgery on me against my will. Do you know why they don't preform female circumcisions or female genital cutting?? It is because it violates the child's right to have their bodies unharmed. Male children are not given that same protection and I was one of them and I am so f*****g mad about it and like I said all the other crap takes back seat to the MGM (Male Genital Mutilation) even the molestation.
Further more the United States of America has the highest rates of HIV and other STDs and we have the highest rate of routine circumcisions in the modern world so therefore the entire HIV/STD argument is just plain Bollocks in my opinion because it is not an affective tool against HIV and other STDs.
Joined: 21 Nov 2006
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well, circumsision is cultural, too. I sincerely doubt if she even thought much about it at the time, as it is a common practice in the Western world. Be glad you aren't a woman and livein Somalia. There they slice off your clitoris with a sharp edge of a broken bottle so you will be marriagable ( and won't know sexual pleasure!)
yeah, I know. . cold comfort, huh?
sorry you are so angry, dude.
Alis volat propriis
State Motto of Oregon
I agree. It is barbaric. I would never make that choice for a child but would let him choose as an adult.
You are stuck in trauma right now. Believe me, there are many on here who know that feeling. Your story is awful and I wish we could do something to make you feel better but I know what trauma does to the mind and the body as well, the brain as well as the mind.
Is there anything you can do to distract yourself, to take all that energy and do something with it out of spite, something productive that would make you a better person than your abuser? Even if it is for 1 hour.....something to elevate you above the slime that hurt you?
I know my words sounds stupid. I don't mean to demean what you have gone through. I just hope that you can have a better day today........
It's wrong to amputate any body part of someone, if he or she doesn't agree. So it is an ethical crime to do this to a baby, when there is no urgent medical need for it.
Christians believe in The Holy Bible, Muslims believe in The Qur'aan and I believe in Mother Goose's Tale.
Now I understand why you are the way you are, PB.
What I don't understand is why I went thruough the same things and have adjusted well enough to become a contributing member of society, rather than a perpetually angry and vindictive person who blames others for the problems I create for myself.
For what it's worth I've never personally known anyone who was sexually attracted to an uncircumcised penis.
So seriously, what's the big deal over that? Sounds to me like you have deeper issues than something that happened when you were born. Her drug use and all that jazz most likely had no bearing whatsoever on her decision to allow your circumcision.
I’m sorry you feel so awful. I’m saying this with the utmost respect. I’m not going to say that I can empathize with being abused because that wouldn’t be honest. I have dealt with anger issues though and I think your anger at the doctor is misplaced. I’m ethically against the practice of circumcision but I was also circumcised as an infant and my parents were definitely not abusive.
The circumcision thing is beside the point though IMHO. The point is you realized this happened and it’s conjured up a response to an old wound. If your rage is too big to be channeled to a single person you might consider making an emergency appointment to see a counselor or call a crisis line. That kind of anger is dangerous if you have no way to channel it.
For those of you who did not read my partial auto biogorphy here it is.
When I went home with my mother she didn't take care of me, for example if I soiled my diaper she would wait for over an hour to change my diaper. The neglect got worse she didn't talk to me, didn't care for me and so social services was called in. My adoptive parents came in and took over where she couldn't however social services kept putting me back with her. As I got older I started getting angry I would stay angry for a week after a visit, and then be sent back to her.
When I was nine months old I couldn't smile, couldn't turn over, I couldn't eat anything but a bottle, I show absolutely no emotion other than anger. My brother and sister worked with my along with my parents and slowly it got better but because I was going back and forth the progress only progressed so far. I don't remember it happening however my parents told me about one altercation where my mother choked me till my heart stopped beating, my dad told me that I told him that I told him I went to heaven and went to sit on Jesus' lap and I asked “why do I have to go back”?
After that happened things got much worse my mother married a convinced sex offender now remember back then their was some talk about child predators but not very much talk and even less action. Now social services did file a report about possible sexual abuse mind you I am around two to three at the time however they never did look into it. I can remember back around when I was three I remember seeing a baby getting his diaper changed and I was really curious about it (please don't ask why I can't remember) but I remember it being not just some innocent curiosity it was deeper than that and very much tainted.
Now when I was four I was adopted by my parents, I was really happy form what I am told I can't remember what happened during the adoption or right after it, but my parents say I was happy about it. I remember living in several different homes, and being happy but still suffering from being abused emotionally, physically, sexually, socially, and spiritually.
When I was 4 ½ my parents told me we were moving, I didn't like it one bit I was leaving my brother and sister behind both whom were grown along with my two best friends at the time who I cared about very deeply, I wish I could tell you their names but I have forgotten. My dad let me get a puppy form a family friend since my dog Cody had to be put down oh she was a beautiful chocolate chow mix and I loved on her as a way to cope.
We moved to NC and one of my first memories was pulling into the yard I was kinda amazed at all the green, I loved it and being a captain planet fan (still am) I wanted to protect it. Well we had to move in with my aunt whom everyone calls sis. I don't have any memories from that time except a brief memory sitting on her couch and looking down the hallway.
I remember being an angry child, it didn't take much to push me to the edge especially noise and I would go into rages like you wouldn't believe, it was like the energizer bunny had possessed me. I don't know how my parents dealt with me but they did.
We moved into our house and I remember one of the most traumatic events that happened to me when I was around five is my dog got bitten by a copper head, I was not mad at the snake I knew it was scared and defended itself I was sad that my dog was dying and my cousin says “yeah she is dead lets go play”. I was so upset here I was I was in agony my best friend was dying and in so much pain and covered in blood and he was so insensitive to my feeling it crushed my heart, I cried for days.
Now around that time I started kindergarten and it was hell, everyone was so noisy and I couldn't stand it, I got so angry I went nuclear. I tore the entire class room up several times and then I was expelled they called me a brat, and so on but I was hurting and they wouldn't even try to see it from my point of view. I was put in a private school and I remember two incidents I was told since I acted liked baby I would spend the next week with the babies, which humiliated me and I didn't talk at all I just sat in the corner the other incident they had us drawing a tree and I wanted it to be perfect and I couldn't come close so I threw my pencil and paper down and ran off upset because it couldn't be perfect. I was then kicked out of that school and put in private school because my behavior was not acceptable.
I was put back in public school which I hated, I didn't like the noise, all the people, the bathrooms, everything. I loved learning and I wanted to learn everything in fact by age 5 ½ I knew what plutonium was and that it was used to make nuclear bombs a weapon of mass destruction. However sadly for me all the new sights, sounds and people were to much for me I had meltdown after melt down, each time I got my rear spanked which hurt my feelings because I was hurting and they were hurting me for hurting and not being able to properly express myself.
I continued getting into trouble because of my odd and sometimes eccentric behaviors along with my sensitivity to routine changes and sound. From kindergarten to second grade I got my rear busted a lot and I always cried because I trust the adults to protect me and to keep me from harm and here their were hitting me because I was hurting so badly deep down inside.
Now around this time my cousin molested me he was eight or nine and I was seven or eight. I now had all my innocence stolen it was gone from that day forward I desired sex.
Anyways from third grade to fifth grade things did get better but I was still odd and now I had to chew everything an equal number of times all the time and everything had to be even even numbers, I couldn't stand odd numbers. While things did get better in terms of me controlling my temper things did not get better in terms of my treatment I was still spanked, and I was still emotionally hurt, and but now I was fighting back, now I had hurt people in the past out of frustration but now it was for revenge I would specifically target people who picked on me or had hurt me during the last blow up. I couldn't understand why justice seemed to help everyone but me so I decided if they won't help me I will make them pay.
One time a staff member restrained me and as I struggled to get lose since he was causing emotional pain because of my sensory issues with touch I non intently head butted him well they called the police and said I did it on purpose. I didn't and I tried to tell them that but they didn't listen to me I was innocent and they called me a lier that broke my heart. The sheriff deputy took me to juvenile hall where he used scare tactics on me, then took me to the county jail and locked me up in a cell for four hours then my parents came and got me. It was a horrifying experience to say the least because I didn't understand why I was being treated so badly.
Another incident they grabbed me and put their arms under my armpits and pulled up and made me walk for several hours when I refused to walk they dragged me I cussed at them the entire time.
I would like to clarify that when I went into a rage the only thing that stopped me was pure exhaustion, one time I fought the teachers and staff for six hours never giving up, I slept for over 18 hours in a row after that.
When I entered middle school everything just went upside down, I had to change class rooms, in seventh grade I started puberty (I was not happy about that), I lost all my friends so I was alone and lonely. I loved the work in middle school it was a lot of fun besides math class yuck I hated math class because they wouldn't let me do the math in my head. It was hard the noise problem was still present, I was still yelling at them to shut up, and I got sent to the principle often because I had many outbursts from my frustration. I hated it so much, I was always trying to be the best and no one ever took my feelings into consideration I guess they thought I was some spoiled brat. Slowly things started to change and people started to pick on me lot because I was different, and the teachers like always did nothing to help me sometimes they too picked on me I even had one call me an ass. I remember once I was in math class and one of the other students was making farting noises I asked nicely for him to stop but he didn't and instead of giving him a bloody nose I took my work and went outside to the hallway to get away from him so I could finish my work well the teacher came back and instead of praising me for not causing problems or hurting the other guy he yelled at me and scollded me.
Now when I entered high school things not only got thrown upside down but the rules changed as well. Since I was gay in high school I was always worried about getting beat up or killed by some homophobic prick. People picked on me a lot, I did have a couple of friends outcasts mainly, however I was not close with them because I didn't trust people I didn't trust them to treat me with respect. As things got worse I got depressed and it was a horrible feeling especially because I gained so much weight because of stress eating I hated my body I hated my life. One day I found out that my body had been violated, my most private body part my penis had been mutilated my foreskin had been ripped from the glans then cut off, I was so upset, I was plunged so far into sorrow, I was so angry I started cutting myself, my legs were constantly covered in blood it looked like I had been shot, my depression got much worse, I stated having suicidal thoughts constantly as well.
When I was 16 I was handcuffed put in the back of a police car and taken to a mental hospital. I was not happy I was very scared because all I knew about mental hospitals was what I saw on TV and movies. For the first three days I had a room mate, a guy who was pretty cute anyways they said on the fourth day I couldn't have a room mate because I was gay. I was so angry because it was discrimination, I was not allowed to have a room mate because I was attracted to guy but I was not allowed to have a female room mate because guys and girls alone in a room don't mix. I hated my stay at the mental hospital it was horrible, it really was, but I did make a few friends and together we made it through all their crap. Thank god the limit at that hospital is a two week stay then they get rid of you.
Several months later I was back in that same mental hospital, and again I was discriminated against because I identify as a homosexual. I made friends with a girl their I think her name was Anna anyways a week into my stay we started getting into fights and one was really really nasty. We were at lunch and cuss words started flying threatening gestures were used and so they sent me to my room, it was horrible. I was left there for around thirty minutes then a staff member came and asked me on a scale from one to ten how anger I was well like an idiot I answered honestly and said a ten. Well here comes ten people into my room they restrained me, pulled my pants down and inject me with god knows what well I was scared to death so I bit one hard enough to bring blood and cussed them all out. They yanked my covers off my bed then tied me down to the bed face down and left me their for an hour. I was very angry, very hurt and very scared.
When I got home after that I was very upset I tried to commit suicide I took thirty vitamins which had a lethal dose of iron in them. I was in so much pain physical, and emotional I couldn't stand it anymore but I was afraid of dying. I told my mother what I did and she called her boss who is a doctor, we went to the hospital and he gave me charcoal to drink, it was black and tasted like well charcoal. I was not sent to the mental hospital however several months later I was sent to a group home.
When I was seventeen me and this guy I knew were having sex however I didn't want to have anal sex and he did, I said no that I was not in the mood but he forced himself on me, my father was at home but he was outside doing yard work and I knew yelling would not help me. It was horrifying but what hurt the most was when I told my parents I had been raped by him they didn't believe me.
When I got to the group home I was nervous, I was scared and I was afraid. My stay at the group home lasted a year and a half, I was verbally abused, constantly by one particular staff member, I got in argument with the other three guys ever so often. While I was at the group home I started having an adverse reaction to one of the drugs it was on called Geodon, it caused all my muscles in my body to weaken, I lost control of my bladder at night, I constantly wet myself during the day, I looked like I was high in the mornings I even had people ask me to sell them some, my hands turned in towards my chest, my tongue stuck out of my mouth, I couldn't hold my upper body it leaned to the right and I developed scoliosis because of the constant strain. The staff took me to the doctor who said nothing was wrong I was normal and sent me on my way, my parents would have none of that absolutely none of that at all, they took me to neurologist who had me tested me extensively. She said that I was having an adverse reaction to the drug and I needed to be taken off immediately because the drug could kill me.
Things did start getting better until I got sick oh lord did I get sick, I diarrhea and was puking non-stop. Now at five in the morning they got me up I was sick, I was tired and weak and told me I was going to walk to the bus stop with the two other guys who were going to school. It was cold out, and all I wanted to do was get back in bed and sleep, well when we got their I puked and crapped all over myself, I was so humiliated. When I got better I was very angry at how they treated me when I was sick, here I was sick and they made me walk 300 yards it cold as hell.
Generally things got better but then, my friend Connie died from cancer, then I found out my friend Sheerly committed suicide, then to top things off another home opened up. Now their was another when I got their which had 12-15 year olds every single one annoying as hell, but this new group home would have 5-8 year olds which really pissed me off. The 12-15 year olds already got under my skin now I had to deal with little kids as well. Their was a silver lining I only had to see them once a month for group therapy which was a relief. Now things went along pretty good minus a few episodes where one of the younger kids got in trouble and I had to give up a few extra hours so we could have emergency group sessions.
After I left the group home things got much better, I am still living with my parents but I still have a lot of work to do to move on beyond my past. Only one major thing happened a old friend of mine who I had known for ten years died from breast cancer, she was very nice and I felt bad when she went home to be with god.
I feel so angry and sad all this happened some of this stuff I can't get over like my circumcions I won't ever get over that they took a part of me away and I can't get it back I like helping to prevent this crap from happening to other people through advocacy it helps numb my constant agony and torment, but I feel I can never do enough, the pain from not feeling like I can't do enough is worse than the pain from my past, because I don't want others to go through any of the stuff I do it breaks my heart thinking people go through this crap.
Now then I go see a therapist and we talk a lot, but as you can see I have been through hell but what is making me the angriest is the fact that when I was just a defenseless baby they violated by body by ripping the foreskin from the glans then cutting it off. I was not sick, I was pretty healthy at the time, but instead of giving me a choice in the matter they violated my body and forced a non-essential surgery on me.
I am in no position to even imagine the amount of pain you have gone through. What I can offer is only my questionable opinion.
There were several instances of oppression and humiliation in your life. Each has left a deep mark on you. You often felt that nobody understood you; worse, that nobody cared enough to want to understand you. That, of course, is terribly frustrating. And every time you expressed your frustration, they interpreted it as a signal that you were unpredictable and dangerous, when all you wanted was for the unbearable pain to stop.
I think you need to deal with each issue separately. Your relationship with your mother, your feelings about having been molested, your sensitivity to noise, etc. Go one step at a time. Try not to get you more overwhelmed than you already are.
The reason why I insist in the multiplicity of events is so my following question makes some sense: would you feel any different if your life had included exactly the same chain of painful events, only without the circumcision? Would having a foreskin have better equipped you to face the hell you have been through?
My guess (and I will try to state it in the less offensive way possible) is that you needed to point at some past event as the great cause of your misfortunes, and chose to blame precisely the one you had no control over, instead of directly committing yourself to addressing the areas of your life in need of fixing. As long as the cause remains out of your control, you are justified in not attempting to make anything about it.
Your circumcision did not ruin your life. Years of abuse did. Your circumcision is just one in a long chain of events. It was unfair, it should not have been done to you, and you have every right to feel angry about it. But it didn't have any influence on the people who later hurt you and made your life miserable. Your circumcision is a specific issue with specific consequences that can be addressed. It does not rule over all your misfortunes. In several cases, it is even surgically reversible.
I would like to say I empathize with you, but I have not known what your life has been like from your perspective. I do not know how you feel. But if it has any use at all to say it, I truly wish you find peace.
Carturo222 the circumcision is the most painful of them all, I mean as an infant your supposed to be loved, cared for and protected but I had none of them and my body was ruined. For me the most grave crime someone committed against me was that circumcision they forced upon me every doctor takes an oath to do no harm, yet they did harm against me and no one punished them, that is infuriating and not acceptable. My body is my own it does not belong to anyone but me I am not a possession therefore they violated my body by strapping me down, ripped my foreskin from my glans then cutting it off. A parent does not have the right to have such a surgery as circumcision done to their sons just as they lack the right to have such a surgery done upon their daughters.
Actually things might have been quite different you see, the brain reacts to trauma especially early childhood trauma it literally rewires the brain. Back in 1988 the use of anesthetics for circumcisions was unheard of it was assumed babies didn't feel pain or that being restrained caused them to cry, but actually they do feel pain a great deal of pain enough to put them in a coma like state that type of pain has a life time affect by rewiring the brain.
I guess the only way for this pain to go away is through science hopefully I don't have to suffer much longer, perhaps regenerative medicine will be ready soon
Fnord [edited for personal attack which is against rule 2. on WrongPlanet.net by sinsboldly.]
Joined: 21 Nov 2006
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Actually things might have been quite different you see, the brain reacts to trauma especially early childhood trauma it literally rewires the brain. Back in 1988 the use of anesthetics for circumcisions was unheard of it was assumed babies didn't feel pain or that being restrained caused them to cry, but actually they do feel pain a great deal of pain enough to put them in a coma like state that type of pain has a life time affect by rewiring the brain.
I guess the only way for this pain to go away is through science hopefully I don't have to suffer much longer, perhaps regenerative medicine will be ready soon
Fnord [edited for personal attack which is against rule 2. on WrongPlanet.net by sinsboldly.]
philosopherBoi, you may not dictate who posts to threads nor may you attack a person personally on WP. I know this is a delicate topic for you, however you may not violate the rules of WP.
Alis volat propriis
State Motto of Oregon