Shiggily wrote:
Has anyone been ostracized by family for an AS diagnosis?
Yes, definitely, when I was assessed about 18 years ago.
I've been jeered at and called "Special Needs" by my sibling.
I was excluded from activities at school.
I was ostracised in the playground.
I was banned from the library.
Need I go on?
As soon as my statement for AS was removed, people started to like me again even though I hadn't changed as a person at all. When people were unaware of it they made the odd comment, but I didn't get into nearly as much trouble.
My family kept saying that I didn't have AS and that the school was making it up just to be nasty to me. My family accepted me for who I was, but couldn't accept the AS part. I couldn't either for years.
Now I don't know who I really am.
I try to talk to people about AS now and they either ignore me, are completely ignorant or say that I can't possibly know because I'm a girl.
Fantastic...just fantastic *sarcasm*