I am very unhappily married. I have asperger's syndrom. Recently, I met a girl that is very beautiful and very kind and who claimed she loved me. The relationship even started to get a bit sexual...no cheating. But in my mind, I was unfaithful. I was never ablet to hold a job. My wife makes all the money. She dangles that over my head constantly and as a result, I alwasy have to lose argements and never get my way. I am not a strong man...only a shell. I am all heart. I cry when I feel like crying. And I laugh when I rarely find happiness. I am constanly reminded that I am not accepted by anyone. Even recently, some people from my location took me to court because they thought I was someone bad. They did this because they said he is weird. As a result, I am afraid to leave my home now for over a year and a half. I get out some but only when I think it might be 100 percent safe someplace no one will know me. This girl who by the way is almost half my age, showed me increadible attention. I was so depressed last month, I did not eat any food from Thanksgiving until about the 7th or so of this month. She made me food happy for the first time....maybe ever. We got to know each other very well on instant messanger. And then, all of a sudden, after I let my defenses down, she told me that Dr. Phil wrote an aritcle that says never date a married man. So, she is gone now. And my hopes for some sort of happiness are smothered once again. Since birth, God cursed me. My dad abused me terribly from about age 4 or so till I left the home at age 19. I don't even want to tell you the unspeakable things he did to me. He used abuse to try to get me to be like the others. I tried so hard and never got his approval. I have not been allowed to talk to him since 1987. He refuses to speak to me. The last thing he said was, "I only have so many years left, I have more deserving children. You are a wasste of life and perfectly good oxygen. You are my only failure" I could say more. But I dont want to bore you. I never know how much to say...to llittle or too much or should I say anything at all????? I feel destroyed. I really wanted her. My wife will not have ...well you know.... with me. She already wanted to divorce me but her lawyer said she would have to split everything half way and give me alimony since I can not work for others. The girl I met said, let's be friends now. I do not want to be friends iwth her as she finds a better man that is productive, better looking etc. In the race, I never win. I am the real life Charlie Brown. I hate God if he is even real. If he is, I hate him. I'm stuck because I need money to live. If I leave to find love, I will be undeseribable becasue I will be living under some over pass or in the woods as a hermit or hobit or whatever those poeple are called. I can't eat again. I'm going back to bed.
Old Soul