glider18 wrote:
I have been there and experienced what you are going through. In school, I hated dances. At first I went because I thought I was supposed to. I usually ended up sitting on the bleachers alone, or standing near the wall waiting for the dance to be over. But since I was so uncomfortable/awkward, I quit going. Most of my friends thought I was shy and quiet. Now that I realize that Asperger's is the reason for this social awkwardness in me, I feel better. I know that I am not alone in the world. And you are not alone either. Asperger's has its problems---but it has it's gifts too. Do you have special interests?
I realize that I have to make myself comfortable rather than try to please others or do what the rest of the crowd is doing. I don't know how self-conscious you are about how others see you, but I took the position that I didn't care. I liked my time spent with family, very close friends, and alone. Today, I realize that there are times I should try to be more sociable and make an effort to attend certain gatherings. I am currently engaging in a series of counseling sessions with a social worker who is an expert on Asperger's. Through "coaching skills," I hope I can relieve myself of some of this awkwardness. But as we know, there is no cure for Asperger's, so we can't make ourselves miserable in trying to be like everyone else. So just remember---you have to be yourself. Do not make yourself uncomfortable in trying to force yourself to attend dances, etc. if you don't want to.
I am no expert on these kinds of issues, but I did want to relate because I have gone through similar experiences. Keep me informed on how you are doing.
Thanks for the support. I recognize completely what you wrote about school dances. I always sat alone, being bored/insecure/almost crying/feeling like a complete loser. Now I don't attend any party or dance, I have too many bad memories.
Yes, I do have special interests. I like entomology, history (especially of human development), fysical geography, etc. Quite a lot, actually. If you want to know: I've just had a meltdown. Quite bad, alas. Everything just seems so useless. There is no fun, nothing to be excited about. I'm really thinking of moving away from my mother.
Christians believe in The Holy Bible, Muslims believe in The Qur'aan and I believe in Mother Goose's Tale.