Sorenna wrote:
No, you cannot marry and keep Medicare. THat is the law.
If you marry, you lose it.
Yet, if you have pre-existing conditons, you will not quailtfy for your spouse's insurance. I tried.
Once on medicare for disability you have no choices. You cannot marry and you cannot work. If you do work, you can only make a certain amount. It is not like old folks medicare.
You're talking about MEDICAID, not Medicare. They are two different things. Medicare is for old people. Medicaid is for poor people. Medicaid has all the nasty requirements, in my state you can't have more than $2000 in assets, can't have property, can own ONE car as long as it's worth under a certain amount, can't be married, etc. I was on Medicaid due to my SSI, but once my mom filed for Social Security they cut off my SSI and switched me to SS survivors income which meant I was also off medicaid. So I'm having to reapply for Medicaid all over again. I need it right now because my psych meds are expensive and I can't afford to be subject to the "donut hole" in Medicare drug coverage where any meds over a cost of $2500 per year you have to pay for it yourself. Once my business gets going I will be able to pay for my pills myself and can dump Medicaid. But for now I need it. If you're not a US citizen you might go back to your home country if it's in Europe, they're far more generous than the US.