rabbit90 wrote:
I am dyslexic and I don't think it would be the dyslexia. I think it may be that they enjoyed your company or ideas or something, I don't think dyslexia would really have an impact on social situations like that.
When I told him about my graduation, I only met him a few months beforehand. He was upset about it and I actually thought that he was about to cry. When I mentioned it to one of his fraterity brothers, he was like, "oh, he will get over it." When I saw him in March and introduced him to my mom and three of my older sister kid's, just before I left, he asked me for a hug, which I accepted.
I was not sure why my friend acted like that and I remembered that dylexia is an autism cousin, so I thought maybe my graduation have some effect on him. None of my other friends were that upset about my graduation.