turborocker5000 wrote:
I've had a couple of meltdowns this week. I wonder if my situation is due to my anti depressants meds... I'm on a low dose, and I've heard aspies are very sensitive to meds... but they seemed to be working well... I don't know... have you just started any meds for anxiety?
If not, could it be a cumulation of more stressful events happpening lately?
I don't know if you can private message on here, but feel free to email me (
[email protected])
I'm trying to talk to fellow aspies about meltdowns and the kind of experiences you have with it and how you cope with it (I fear I may be getting them more often).. so if it's ok with you, it would be great it you could message me.
No meds, but I really wish I had some at this point. Cumulation of stress is a major posibility. As if I wasn't going through enough stress, from school and family, this whole Christmas thing is like dropping an extra 1,000pound brick onto the scale.
I'm really not looking forward to my Christmas break that starts next week, because I'll have to be "On" around everyone. Not to mention my brother is coming home in 2 days, and we DO NOT get along at all. If you look back at my other posts, you'll see I had a huge meltdown around Thanksgiving because I was constantly "On" and couldn't take it anymore.
I'm just worried that there is a lot of pressure building up inside, and that it will result in a MAJOR explosion/meltdown.
Thanks for the support.