Thank you sillyputty and Detren. I am feeling better this evening. We (my family) went out to eat. There was a really noisy table next to us, but I didn't let it bother me too much. We came home, and as soon as I set down and logged on to wrongplanet and read your responses, I felt the tension begin to leave. I feel calmer now. And it is nice and quiet in the family room where my laptop is. My sons have gone to bed, and wife is upstairs reading a book. So it's just me and the fish aquarium, and wrongplanet.
Sometimes it just helps to talk about these things with others that understand these issues.
Thank you sillyputty for appreciating my posts---that means a lot to me. And yes Detren, I will try to figure it out what it is that is causing me some turmoil this Christmas. I know one thing that is different this year. I usually put up 35 Christmas trees in the house, and this year I didn't do that. I have realized that was an obsession that wasn't necessary. So even though my family is happier without the forest in the house, I just can't believe Christmas is less than a week away.