It's too late for me to do that, dear friend.
I was actually hiding my faith, my mother found my Baha'i bookmarks in my browser, and that's when I admitted that I want to become a Baha'i.
MissConstrue wrote:
I can't understand why a mother would want to leave her kids. Is it just because of your newly found faith or are there other factors involved?
I'm very sorry to hear this. Do you have some extra support by other family members or friends?
The punishment for apostacy in Sunni and Shi'a Islam (but not Ibadi) is death by decapitation. So, you can see why she's mad at me. ^^;;
My father supports me. In fact, the Baha'i faith is highly compatable with his ideology. What my father told me when I was young was this: Champ, religion is like a pool of water. It takes the shape of the bucket you carry it in. All religions teach people to do good thoughts, good words, and good deeds. All paths ultimately lead to peace and salvation.
This is exactly what Bahaullah taught.
What my mother told me is this: All people in this world except those who are Sunni Muslims who don't commit shirk (associating partners with God) will burn in hell for all eternity. All they will get to drink in hell while being roasted alive is hot boiling pus to drink. Their genitals will be cut open and burnt over and over again by the devil in their graves for all eternity. Etc, etc...
Anyway, my parents are divorced. My mother hates my father. As far as she's concerned, he's a grave worshiping (tawassul, a sufi practice of seeking blessings from saints) heathen who will go to the worst part of hell.
As for friends, I have only told two so far. They're quite supportive.
My sister hates me now. She says that she's suffering because of me.
As for my mother, she's calmed down a bit. She's not yelling at the top of her voice anymore.
Fnord wrote:
1. Prepare for her to have a meltdown.
2. Offer to pay for her trip.
In other words, I suggest that you call her bluff, as it seems to me that she is trying to assert the only form of control she has over you to keep you from making choices for yourself, in the hope that her leaving would be so unthinkable as to keep you confined to her belief system only.
It is your decision to make, and not hers, as to what religion you will follow.
Knowing my mother, she will have a meltdown, and yell at the top of her voice if I do that. She's very sensitive when it comes to religion.
I guess I'll buy her some flowers tomorrow, and hope for the best. ^^