gina-ghettoprincess wrote:
I could do my A levels and go to university when I'm older, but lately I've been feeling like there's just no point in trying. I can't really put it into words, I just feel that it would be a lot less trouble just to leave school at 16 and get any job that'll take me on, before I can get my writing published. But then my brain tells me that this would in fact be a lot MORE trouble, obviously. I just don't know where I'm going anymore.
Let see, what will happen, if you leave school without your A-levels most likely?
You will slip from one badly paid job to the other, always employed that you can be replaced within 24 hours. Your writing can pay off - perhaps not. Would finishing school and university stopping you from writing? How much you think you be able to write after eight hours in factory or pricing out cans at Tesco's.
Perhaps I would suggest something: Finish your A-levels and work for a few months in factory or anywhere else. I did so when I was 19 for just two months and it was quite a shock. After two month putting each day some 1000's little parts into bigger boxes, I was certain not spend the rest of my live this way.