sinsboldly wrote:
well, you know that sounds like feeling your 'sleep paralysis' in that state between dreaming and waking (called the etheric). Sort of low level dreaming, you think that things are happening on the physical plane, but you can't act in your physical body about it because you are in sleep paralysis and fighting against it. I remember thinking someone was pounding at the door and I couldn't get up, I couldn't MOVE and I was tossing myself from side to side but was a prison in my body. Actually I was just low level dreaming and feeling both my body and my dreams.
there is a scientific name for it and everything.
Paralysis while asleep is the normal condition. The body secretes hormones which relax certain muscles and prevent you from acting out your dreams. If it didn’t you would be in quite some danger every time you went to sleep.
The process of waking up might seem quite simple to you. But it’s actually a complex process involving many physiological changes. One of these is the reversal of the paralysis. People experience sleep paralysis when the hormone doesn’t wear off fast enough as they wake up. They remain paralysed though conscious. Because they have little sensation from their body, if they are lying on their backs, it can feel like someone is sitting on their chest. Eventually the paralysis departs and normal functions can be resumed.
There is an opposite disorder where people don’t get paralysed enough as they go to sleep. In a minor case this results in twitching and kicking while dreaming, but in a major case they can get up and walk around.
A side effect of this paralysis is that your bed feels a lot more comfortable in the morning when you wake up than it did when you first got into it. It hasn’t changed, your body is just less sensitive.
None of this should be considered evidence of anything paranormal
id find this about it
Yea. I'm now pretty sure it was indeed sleep paralysis. The weird part about it is that I had some awareness that I might be dreaming yet I was unable to wake myself up and at the time I couldn't easily convince myself that I wasn't being watched/stalked in my sleep by something unfamiliar with a malevolent intent.