KenM wrote:
Learning2Survive wrote:
Dude, if you stop insulin you are just going to start peeing like a mad man! That's not fun.
I do that anyway when I do take my shot every day.
Have you mentioned that to your endocrinologist? How are your HbA1C's? When your diabetes is not in good control you feel crummy. It can make you feel depressed and listless and hopeless. I've had diabetes for 41 years and I know for a fact high sugar can affect your emotions. Maybe you'll feel better if your Dr. changes your dosage of insulin.
Don't give up now and kill yourself. This may just be a stupid dosage change. I used to get suicidal when I was premenstrual, and after I noticed the correlation I used to say to myself "Well I'm not gonna kill myself over my stupid PERIOD!" Have yourself checked out - this may turn out to be easily changed, and once your mood/outlook changes these issues won't bother you so much.