NextFact wrote:
anti depressants arent cheap... a 1 month supply for me costs around $450, thank god for medical insurance, i only co-pay $10...
I don't know which one that is, but I do know most are a lot cheaper that that. Here in the Netherlands a lot of them have prices 10-30 € per month. I don't think prices elsewhere are higher.
Just checked my wifes Citalopram/Cipramil: €9,20/30.
On Topic: when I was younger I was also anti-medicine. My first AD changed me a little in so far as dampening every feeling I had. It did however remove some sharp edges and when I stopped the dampening ended as well. My second one was milder, so I only had positive effects except for gaining a lot of weight. I lost most of it easily after quiting. So yes, they do have side effects, but if they are too bad you can always switch.