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08 May 2009, 4:18 pm

Why can't I be normal

Why can't I be normal

Why can't I be normal

Why can't I be normal

Why can't I be normal

Why can't I be normal

Why can't I be normal

Why can't I be normal

Why can't I be normal

Why can't I be normal



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08 May 2009, 8:22 pm

ILoveLucy wrote:
Why can't I be normal

Because you are unique and special. You don't need to be like anyone else. You need to be like you.

I hope you'll keep posting and tell us more about what, specifically is making you feel that way. I do remember your post about people not noticing you, and you got some terrible "advice" from an NT who's been hanging around blaming people for their own problems.

Many of us have felt the way you are feeling, and we know it's not something you can simply turn on and off like a switch. But the more we know about you, the more we can help you see your good points, which you are having trouble seeing.


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09 May 2009, 6:38 am

-"Being normal sucks".
House MD.

So, why not enjoy the unique perspective on life you have been given? Most other people live normal boring lives and will never experience or do the same things that we will. True, it would be nice to have a girlfriend, a career and all that, but with the negatives, there are also positives.

Examples from my life:

- Normal people cannot learn to play a musical instrument in a week.

- Normal people can never eat the same strong foods as me and distinguish the unique flavours.

- Normal people cannot see through the bullsh-t verbal manipulation from psychopats.

- Normal people do not take their hobbies seriously and will never take it to an expert level.

- Normal people will never get to go to interviews at some employers because their skills are normal.

- Normal people cannot sit for 18 hours a day, betatesting a MMORPG.

- Normal people write crappy unoptimised sourcecode and do not have that systematic thinking ability. They must go to university for 3-4 years - and still require to work for a few years to finally "get it".

- Normal people get confused when Microsoft change the layout of the next Word version.

So... are you sure you still want to be normal ?


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11 May 2009, 11:03 am

Normal is a state of mind and crap that is the main story plot in any US teen drama

If there is such a thing as "normal", it would sure as hell be boring


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11 May 2009, 12:50 pm

Normal is no fun. Be weird.


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11 May 2009, 10:02 pm

Normal: approximately average in any psychological trait, as intelligence, personality, or emotional adjustment.

If everyone was normal would be a boring place.
Your intelligence could be greater than the average person, which is a GOOD thing.
Also they did not state what average psychological trait, intelligence, personality, or emotional adjustment is.

Keep in mind everyone has a different meaning of normal.

I'm Nicole Marie Doherty, the creator of Stewart Mango the cartoon show.