I have had an online friend since May last year who I have emailed every single day since, and was my only friend in the world for much of the time I have known him. And recently, we have both been emailing this other girl (all of us are AS, BTW). Then suddenly, he confesses to me that he has a crush on the other girl.
I instantly had to pretend to be OK with it, but really I was freaking out, because the minute relationships get involved, that is officially the end of telling each other everything. I couldn't tell the girl what was going on, could I, and I couldn't even tell the boy that I am really worried he will forget I exist.
Then I stopped worrying about the situation for a while...then suddenly they start dating. I was thinking, "Oh Jesus, you DIDN'T..." because I know that nothing good will come of this. We're only 14 (well, I'm nearly 14), they'll only go and break up, and then I will end up having to take sides. WHY am I the only person who sees where this is heading?!
Besides, it happens all the time on TV: whenever someone starts dating someone, they completely ignore their friends. And because he's a boy and I'm a girl, there's a risk that his girlfriend will think I'm a threat to her or whatever crap, and he'll have to choose between us. And I know from personal experience that nobody EVER picks me when there's another option.
I just want things back the way they were. And the title for this thread is a summary of the feeling that I am suddenly having to use that old NT trick of saying one thing while meaning another, and lying about how I feel. We're aspies, dammit, I never expected to end up knee-deep in the NT-Hood.
My dinner is ready so I don't have time to write anymore, but I think I've covered the basics of the situation. In a nutshell, everything is changing and I'm worried the changes will not include me.
'El reloj, no avanza
y yo quiero ir a verte,
La clase, no acaba
y es como un semestre"