Stupid Dell people
My bf and I went out of town for a week to see my family and my bf talked to the Dell people on the phone before we left because he had to ship his laptop off to them to get the screen fixed since it kept fading. Well they said they wouldn't ship it for another 8-9 days so we left and not having anyone stay at our apartment to sign for the package when it comes. We come home and I was expecting to relax for the evening after a long hours of the drive but instead we find something hanging on our apartment door and it was from Fed Ex and it was the final notice. They had shipped it while we were away and we weren't there all because Dell told my bf it won't be shipped for another 8-9 days. I hate it when people don't stick to what they say so I got all stressed out when I got home and melted down because we had to get the package today after 5:30 (thank god we got home at the right time) and the computer wasn't loading fast enough and it wouldn't load the directions to get to the place so I was yelling and screaming at my bf because I was all stressed out and mad at Dell and I got annoyed when my bf apologized for the whole thing. He didn't plan that Dell would lie to us and then ship it anyway when they said they wouldn't ship it for another 8-9 days. After the stressful hour, I am all exhausted and my bf told me people don't get that upset and in fact they'd be happy they are getting their laptop back and want it ASAP. But not me because I was expecting to relax when I got home, not be forced to run out of our home again and racing for the package before they close at seven. Then I see going there wasn't that bad because it wasn't that far from our home and I got upset over nothing.
Always going to new places is a problem for me because I don't know the names of all the roads so I don't know when they are coming so I tend to miss my turns so I have to turn around and go back, I might also take the wrong turn so that means going back. I could use a map but then I would have to pull over to read the map and it's just a nuisance when you have to be somewhere by a certain time and it just puts pressure on me so I am all stressed out on the road. Good thing I had an hour to get there before they closed because I had time to make mistakes. I missed one turn so I had to turn off and road and go back on the road. Of course my bf had to go to map quest and put in the address since the driving directions wouldn't load on google maps. I always write down the driving directions when I have to go somewhere new and I study the over view map at the route but because of the fricken time limit I had, it made it real stressful. It was nearly six PM.
I wish people would stick to what they say. Dell would be hearing from me but my bf is going to complain to them since he doesn't want me yelling at them. I bet they get angry customers all the time anyway. Serves them right for not sticking to what they say. I think they shouldn't treat anyone this way because people have lives and plans and make plans around things such as when they are expecting a package so if they are told it won't be shipped for another certain number of days, they will make plans for those days before the item is shipped because they be home before then. Wouldn't anyone be pissed if they came home and found out their item had been returned back to the sender because the company went ahead and shipped it early or they come home and find they have to pick it up now or else it gets sent back the next day because the company didn't do what they said and they just want to relax from the long drive they had to do? I was furious and threw a fit, even on the way there. Then I was tired because I had drained my energy so I lied down on the couch when I got home.
If we knew they had already shipped it or were going to ship it the next few days, we would have had my bf's parents stay here. Fed Ex didn't give rats we were out of town and we were mislead by Dell so we were forced to come and get the package since they won't take it to our apartment again and they were going to send it back after today my bf said. Good thing I have to work tomorrow or else we wouldn't have gone home today and good thing I wanted to be home by evening, not late at night or else we wouldn't have caught this.
Last edited by Spokane_Girl on 13 May 2009, 8:16 am, edited 1 time in total.
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