Great!! !
I remember when I got my first apartment. It was in 1991 when I was 23 years old, and it was a studio apartment, basically a small room, bathroom, and a small kitchen, but it was mine and I was free to listen to my music, watch my TV, use my ham radio, and play on my old Commodore computer online all I wanted, without anyone saying anything about it. It was great.
My parents, and sister, didn't like the activities I preferred, since most of them involved staying in, so we always ended up in a feud over me doing what I liked as opposed to doing what my sister liked. They always insisted I needed "balance" in my activities, but I never quite understood why the other activities and the amount of time spent on other activities just happened to be activities chosen by my sister, done when she did them for the amount of time she did them, with no set definitions. In other words, if I could do my thing was defined by my sister's whims and she was supposed to matter in my life more than I. Of course, she never had to give up one second for me.
Enjoy your new home and new found freedom.
"I am not a number, I am a free man!"