Wonderful News! I'm Moving Out TODAY!!

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03 May 2009, 12:19 pm

Hey folks, I'm back, and this time, with the most positive thing to say since I first joined WP!

After 2 1/2 years of being on a waiting list, and the last month and a half of looking around for an apartment to live in, guess what?!

I got my own apartment last Thursday!! And I'm moving in tonight! WOO-HOO!! !

After living in my now soon to be FORMER residence of 33 1/2 f***ing YEARS, I finally have a genuine reason to be happy! And to think that last Wednesday night, things weren't looking up for me, since the landlord of that apartment hadn't called me yet, and the deadline to move in was last Friday. But at the last possible moment, he called, and me and mom scraped up enough money to put down this month's and next month's rent, and I got it!

The last few days have been a b***h though....packing up cardboard boxes and moving my things into my new residence. Primarily because my dad was supervising the move. BUT...I *didn't* get angry whenever he scolded me for forgetting a box, or saying for the last time what a disaster my old room was looking. And you know why?

*smiles broader then I ever have in my entire life*

Because I don't have to take anymore of his f***ing s**t anymore! EVER AGAIN!! So now, he doesn't have to die to make me feel happy! S**t, he's already been dead to me since the 'jelly incident'. :P So distancing myself from that a**hole as much as possible is gonna help my mental health a GREAT DEAL!

So goodbye Father, and here's to ya! *spits on your rhetorical grave*

I'm free!! :lol: 8)



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03 May 2009, 10:41 pm

It seems like there's going to be a little delay in moving in.

You see, even though I've already paid this month's rent, and next month's via security deposit, it turns out that the Housing Authority has to inspect the apartment first! Somehow, there was a complication which allowed me to move in my stuff before this happened...

But I think it's not too serious...my case manager with the H.A. has dealt with the landlord of the building my apartment is in, and they have gotten along, so chances are good I'll still be able to keep the apartment. I just have to spend a little more time at my original home, unfortunately. :P

I'll keep you all updated.


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03 May 2009, 10:49 pm

i succeeded in distancing and making healthy barriers btw me and my intrusive and somewhat abusive family. i feel great :)

Some of the threads I started are really long - yeay!


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04 May 2009, 12:52 pm

Learning2Survive wrote:
i succeeded in distancing and making healthy barriers btw me and my intrusive and somewhat abusive family. i feel great :)

Well good for you! It feels great, doesn't it? As much as you secretly know you love your family, distance is very important for your sanity.
Just look at all the rants I've posted in the past about my family, primarily my father, to see just how badly I needed to distance myself away from them! :P

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04 May 2009, 6:20 pm

Congrats on moving out!! !! ! :thumright: :cheers:


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06 May 2009, 12:05 pm

Great!! !

I remember when I got my first apartment. It was in 1991 when I was 23 years old, and it was a studio apartment, basically a small room, bathroom, and a small kitchen, but it was mine and I was free to listen to my music, watch my TV, use my ham radio, and play on my old Commodore computer online all I wanted, without anyone saying anything about it. It was great.

My parents, and sister, didn't like the activities I preferred, since most of them involved staying in, so we always ended up in a feud over me doing what I liked as opposed to doing what my sister liked. They always insisted I needed "balance" in my activities, but I never quite understood why the other activities and the amount of time spent on other activities just happened to be activities chosen by my sister, done when she did them for the amount of time she did them, with no set definitions. In other words, if I could do my thing was defined by my sister's whims and she was supposed to matter in my life more than I. Of course, she never had to give up one second for me.

Enjoy your new home and new found freedom.


"I am not a number, I am a free man!"

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07 May 2009, 12:16 pm

Just don't start drawing all over the walls in an attempt to annoy the landlord.

I don't understand why you seem to have zero respect for you father, who has let you live in his house until you were 33 and is probably the one paying for your apartment.


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08 May 2009, 7:23 am

Usagi: congrats on the apartment. I am also waiting to move out of my group home into my own independent apartment. I hate my group home, there is too many people controlling me, like I am "ret*d", even though I have no learning disabilities and/or disabilities that prevent me from being independent(my mom was too overprotective and used my label against me).

GustavHolst: usagi probably did not get along with his/her father. A lot of our parents, including mine, do not deal with Asperger's very well. They can become very mean and/or with my parents. the opposite. They do not understand Asperger's, and may see it as either a bothersome issue or see it as if we are "ret*d" and need control and have no brains(when ironically we are more smarter. A lot of us unfortunately, due to no funding or other reasons are stuck at the parents home for a long time. I live in a group home and I never even needed such "help". but because of my parents, who treated me like I was a moron and were too Controlling(still are), they put me in one and I have endured a lot of abuse and pain from the group home and my parents.

Good luck with everything.


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08 May 2009, 3:59 pm

GustavHolst wrote:
Just don't start drawing all over the walls in an attempt to annoy the landlord.

I don't understand why you seem to have zero respect for you father, who has let you live in his house until you were 33 and is probably the one paying for your apartment.

Actually, believe it or not, my rent is only 175 dollars a month, which even I can afford with my combined SSI checks in a month.

And trust me sir, I wouldn't stoop as low as purposely drawing on the walls just to get back at the landlord, for two reasons; that apartment doesn't belong to me, and he's a nice guy.

And it's 33 years in that house; I'm actually 36. Simple misunderstanding though. And the reason I talk a lot of s**t about him is because he doesn't see me as a human being, because of my autism. For the best reason though, please refer to my thread entitled "I'm Gonna Phrase This as Gently As Possible", as it described the moment in history when he lost all my respect and love for him.


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08 May 2009, 4:33 pm

oh congrats dude. im moving out on the 15th of this month, into my own studio apartment aswell!

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08 May 2009, 5:20 pm

Great news, and good for you, Usagi!

Just remember, though, like all of us (and the NTs), there will still be bad days when everything feels...well...less than great. The trick--at least for me--is to wait for those clouds to pass as they ALWAYS do, ride it out, etc.

Again...good for you! Good luck, and good on ya! :wink:

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09 May 2009, 1:05 am

KarmicPyxis wrote:
Great news, and good for you, Usagi!

Just remember, though, like all of us (and the NTs), there will still be bad days when everything feels...well...less than great. The trick--at least for me--is to wait for those clouds to pass as they ALWAYS do, ride it out, etc.

Again...good for you! Good luck, and good on ya! :wink:

Thank you, tomodachi. ^_^


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09 May 2009, 2:20 am


(...lucky. I haven't even gotten close.)


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12 May 2009, 12:42 pm

Howdy again, folks!

I thought that in honor of my 500th post here, thought I'd tell you a little bit about my first week in Skankford (hehe) as a free man!

It's wonderful...^_^

The ambiance of the traffic at night helps me go to sleep; there's plenty of convenience stores and Dollar Tree stores nearby to keep me full of Pepsi Throwbacks, and best of all, the walking from place to place is a great way to exercise

Of course, there is only one complaint I have about the citizens of this town. The menfolk seem to be fond of spitting wherever they please, and that f**king grosses me out! You think I wanna step in someone else's fresh saliva? No thanks!

(Heh...this, coming from a man who smeared his sperm all over his ex-doctor's tongue depressors as a measure of revenge :P :lol: :roll: )

But that aside, it's going splendidly. Oh, and living inside a rented place makes me MUCH more mindful of the state of cleanliness I'm living in. I actually make a conscious effort to clean up after myself in the kitchen and bathroom without being prompted to by others.

So *blows raspberry* F**k you, daddy! :twisted:

Bye for now,
