would it help if someone else came to do the injecting,so are not having to go through the actions of what drug addicts do?
Am ask that because have got an aunt with insulin dependant diabetes as well,and is thought to be somewhere on the spectrum,she refuses to do her insulin herself,so the nurse comes out and does it for her.
Also,what sort of injection is it that are using? is it a syringe type,or a thick pen style?
if it's not the pen type,would that help stop the thoughts of being a drug addict? it looks nothing like what drug addicts use,the guy am lived with had two colour coded ones depending on time of day it was for,one pure white the other navy and a bit of yellow,they just looked like fat pens.
He was encouraged into a diet by the diabetic centre,because certain foods can send him [and others] into a hypo/or the opposite [too high],he gets low fat sausages,different meat from the butchers,potatoes,vegetables,light yoghurts etc,would a basic diet not appeal to self?
>severely autistic.
>>the residential autist;
blogging from the view of an ex institutionalised autism/ID activist now in community care.
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