michillimackinac wrote:
It seems like my best years are behind me. Each year I tell myself that things will be better, but it seems like each year things get worse. I used to believe it when I told myself that things would get better, but I'm having trouble believing it anymore. It seems like each year I lose something else value, something that makes life worth living.
I understand completely. As time goes by I've started to wonder if telling myself things will get better is a waste of time, because nothing ever has improved. However after falling to the depths of my depression a few weeks ago I now know that it's best to tell someone before you get to that point, because once you are there it's a lot harder to get out of that mindset. Life is unpredictable, some people seem to have more struggles than others but if you ask for help things might get better, & at least you can say that you tried.
I = Vegan!
Animals = Friends.