Creation of reality. Life is but a dream!

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15 Dec 2007, 12:30 am

I'm kinda expecting it (though I don't want to, because I feel that the more you expect something the more likely it'll happen, Theory of Attraction etc!) as it runs so strongly in my family, it'd be kinda odd not to have an aspie kid.

The above quote by Le Kiwi inspired me to start this thread.

When I was about 4 years old maybe 5, I remember asking my older brother an unusual question. I asked him, "how do I know we see the same things?" He asked me what I meant by that. I said " For instance, how do I know when I see red, you don't see blue and when you talk about blue, you are really talking about what I see is red?

I can also remember saying to him, "How do I know that he existed before I was born?" He said, he could remember when I was born, and that he was here before me. I told him I could not remember anything before I was born, like a dream.

I have thought many times about dream realities. The similarities of dreams and your"waking state". In your dreams, if you walk down a street in your dreams, all off the trees are different, the houses are different. If you look up at the sky you can see cloud or stars. In our waking state how do we judge "reality"? Can you weigh it? Can you measure it? In your dreams, if you stood on a scale, would you have weight, could you be measured?
Why does E=MC squared? Does that make sense? Why would such a thing be true? Perhaps creation of reality?

By the way my wife, and new member Amber5171, hates it when I talk this way. She always has said it makes her sad, long before we were married. We had our 5th aniversery in August.

I have often fallen into these thoughts throughout my life. I am a lucky person. When bad things happen, they turn out alright. I have seen symbolism in everything around me. Doves on my lawn, I view as a positive thing. Crows are a negative thing. I have always seen microcosms and, macrocosms. If I am going somewhere and the sky is ominously cloudy, or if it a beautiful day, that is significant to me. My wife hates this.

I read a book on psychology called, "The Minds Eye", fantasies and reflections on self and soul. There was a chapter called "On having no head", by D.E.Harding. MY view is described as a charmingly childish and solipsistic view of the human condition. Maybe so, but I have no proof.

I would like to tell you more and continue this conversation. I would also like to know if anyone else has felt this way. Any thoughts? :?:

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15 Dec 2007, 9:42 am

Beginnings: \"I think therefore I am.\" [Back later, got to walk dogs and do housework.]

"No matter what the facts are, only the Truth matters"


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15 Dec 2007, 11:29 am

Yeah, I myself am prone to bouts of existential brooding. It's completely pointless but I do it anyway, we all do.

I'm very ambivalent about this "Reality". And I don't have any organized theories, but my stance on it is:
-Everything is indeed symbolic. And synchronized. If you just look there are patterns everywhere.
-Time is not linear. There is no beginning or end of time. Time is cyclic. Likewise.. our lives are cyclic and we reincarnate, but (like time) not in a linear fashion-- we're simultaneously living many different lives all at once.
-We are the imagination of ourselves. We are god. And we are all the same, since we all stem from (unknown) source.
-Our lives and the worlds we build around us are held together by our minds and the collective unconscious, and the belief that we even exist at all.
-There are multiple universes. There is a universe for every moment in time, and for every sentient being / soul / god / decision. Kind of like an onion.
-Dreams are sometimes real. The people and things we encounter in our dreams are either other dreamers, creatures of other dimensions, or our own alter-egos. Lucid dreaming can be very enlightening (and entertaining).
-"Everything we know is wrong". We know next to nothing, at all, about anything despite what we may think.
-We (human beings) can only perceive a tiny portion of "Reality" and our surroundings. (I believe there was a time when we were much more open, a long time ago.)


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15 Dec 2007, 12:08 pm

I have fallen out of this reality a few times. Enough to know there are others. It was only a glimse, then years later, Sumarian Mythology, someone wrote about what I had seen, 7000 years before.

In other worlds I had a body, was seen, spoken to, all existing at once, close but not touching.

It is awareness that wanders through forms, it did not begin, nor will it end, with my flesh.

Some forms of awareness live without bodies. Some move from body to body, I have found no operating manual.

There is much more than our limited perception can embrace.

Our color vision limits us to a narrow spectrum, our ears a narrow range, and our noses are the joke of the animal world. Our brains lack complexity, yet we create great things.

We are more than we appear.

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15 Dec 2007, 12:17 pm

For me thoughts like those above are very associated with consuming the opiate-similar food-opioids of gluten and casein ( bread and cheese etc), along with other painkillers like sugar ( a few grains of sugar was an effective anasthaetic for surgical operations in 900 AD in the arab empire, of course we've become relatively habituated to its effects since then!!).

The world in my head.

I can remember the first time that i realised that the world was actually OUTSIDE my head, that I was INSIDE the world, was when i first ever tried cutting out wheat and dairy etc, and going swimming, in 1992, the year i turned 29 ( first Saturn return!) . I suddenly saw a cloud as "out there", and a rose bush ( a dreary one, nothing to write home about!!) against a wall, and fully grasped /sensed/experienced them as OUTSIDE of me.
Until then, for as long as i can remember, i had been living as if the world was inside me, but entirely without realising that i was experiencing life differently to many ( tho i sometimes think an awful lot of people are off it on food opioids!).
It felt very strange. I now know that what i was experiencing was life for the first time since early infancy without opiates clouding my brain. I was really "grounded" suddenly.
It was an immense change. A friend of 10 years standing said that in my new state i reminded her of my sister, a visibly sensible serious sensitive and conscientious introvert with no fashion sense. Another friend said it was as if i had turned overnight into a cow quietly grazing, none of my previous interesting and sometimes dazzling but destructive mood-disordered extravert self they knew and loved. Both friendships were never the same again.
I read and reread The Lord of the Rings around then. Whereas Sam comes back to The Shire saying it was as if he had been dreaming and was now waking up again, Frodo says that on the contrary it was as if he had been awake and was now falling asleep again.
For a long time i felt like Frodo. Now I'm beginning to see Sams point of view. But it's partly why I have kept returning to wheat and dairy, because i miss that sensation of the world being in my head, and my being, consequently, connected to everything, like a god.


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15 Dec 2007, 1:31 pm

I would like to talk about collective consciousness and link a couple of websites. I am an atheist. I am not a very traditional atheist though because I am a fatalist. The two theories contradict each other somewhat. I have also always been fascinated with Tibetan Buddhism and have a large collection of ancient Tibetan Buddhist artifacts. I like the concepts of wisdom and compassion bringing enlightenment. Here is an example of collective consciousness.

Here is the story of the Hundredth Monkey:

The Japanese monkey, Macaca fuscata, has been observed in the wild for a period of over 30 years.

In 1952, on the island of Koshima scientists were providing monkeys with sweet potatoes dropped in the sand. The monkeys liked the taste of the raw sweet potatoes, but they found the dirt unpleasant.

An 18-month-old female named Imo found she could solve the problem in a nearby stream. She taught this trick to her mother. Her playmates also learned this new way and they taught their mothers, too.

This cultural innovation was gradually picked up by various monkeys before the eyes of the scientists.

Between 1952 and 1958, all the young monkeys learned to wash the sandy sweet potatoes to make them more palatable.

Only the adults who imitated their children learned this social improvement. Other adults kept eating the dirty sweet potatoes.

Then something startling took place. In the autumn of 1958, a certain number of Koshima monkeys were washing sweet potatoes — the exact number is not known.

Let us suppose that when the sun rose one morning there were 99 monkeys on Koshima Island who had learned to wash their sweet potatoes.

Let's further suppose that later that morning, the hundredth monkey learned to wash potatoes.


By that evening almost everyone in the tribe was washing sweet potatoes before eating them.

The added energy of this hundredth monkey somehow created an ideological breakthrough!

But notice.

A most surprising thing observed by these scientists was that the habit of washing sweet potatoes then jumped over the sea —

Colonies of monkeys on other islands and the mainland troop of monkeys at Takasakiyama began washing their sweet potatoes!*

(*Lifetide by Lyall Watson, pp. 147-148. Bantam Books 1980. This book gives other fascinating details.)

Thus, when a certain critical number achieves an awareness, this new awareness may be communicated from mind to mind.

Although the exact number may very, the Hundredth Monkey Phenomenon means that when only a limited number of people know of a new way, it may remain the consciousness property of these people.

But there is a point at which if only one more person tunes-in to a new awareness, a field is strengthened so that this awareness is picked up by almost everyone!

Your awareness is needed in saving the world from nuclear war.

You may be the "Hundredth Monkey" . . . .

I also like morphic resonance. Rupert Sheldrake thinks like me.


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15 Dec 2007, 2:02 pm

cdarwin wrote:
I'm kinda expecting it (though I don't want to, because I feel that the more you expect something the more likely it'll happen, Theory of Attraction etc!) as it runs so strongly in my family, it'd be kinda odd not to have an aspie kid.

The above quote by Le Kiwi inspired me to start this thread.

When I was about 4 years old maybe 5, I remember asking my older brother an unusual question. I asked him, "how do I know we see the same things?" He asked me what I meant by that. I said " For instance, how do I know when I see red, you don't see blue and when you talk about blue, you are really talking about what I see is red?

I can also remember saying to him, "How do I know that he existed before I was born?" He said, he could remember when I was born, and that he was here before me. I told him I could not remember anything before I was born, like a dream.

I have thought many times about dream realities. The similarities of dreams and your"waking state". In your dreams, if you walk down a street in your dreams, all off the trees are different, the houses are different. If you look up at the sky you can see cloud or stars. In our waking state how do we judge "reality"? Can you weigh it? Can you measure it? In your dreams, if you stood on a scale, would you have weight, could you be measured?
Why does E=MC squared? Does that make sense? Why would such a thing be true? Perhaps creation of reality?

By the way my wife, and new member Amber5171, hates it when I talk this way. She always has said it makes her sad, long before we were married. We had our 5th aniversery in August.

I have often fallen into these thoughts throughout my life. I am a lucky person. When bad things happen, they turn out alright. I have seen symbolism in everything around me. Doves on my lawn, I view as a positive thing. Crows are a negative thing. I have always seen microcosms and, macrocosms. If I am going somewhere and the sky is ominously cloudy, or if it a beautiful day, that is significant to me. My wife hates this.

I read a book on psychology called, "The Minds Eye", fantasies and reflections on self and soul. There was a chapter called "On having no head", by D.E.Harding. MY view is described as a charmingly childish and solipsistic view of the human condition. Maybe so, but I have no proof.

I would like to tell you more and continue this conversation. I would also like to know if anyone else has felt this way. Any thoughts? :?:

Indeed I too have always wondered if people see the same things in the same way that I do, in fact your color phrase is exactly something I have thought about and even discussed once.

DX'ed with HFA as a child. However this was in 1987 and I am certain had I been DX'ed a few years later I would have been DX'ed with AS instead.


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15 Dec 2007, 2:30 pm

Morphic resonance fits my view, and I do not see it as species specific. From old books, The Secret life of plants, Auther Clark's, Childhood's End, a unity of life and matter.

And the Tibetans, The Book of the Dead,

O' Benelovent gift waves of reality,
grant me the ability,
to know all things,
by seeing, hearing, and reflecting.

Behold! The jewel is in the Lotus!

All knowledge is in the cosmic flower, there is no point called god, all is one.

There are still worlds beyond ours, I have been taught by plants, learned senses from animals, I collect rocks.

Clearing my mind, thinking a thought, a question, answers come, I see the dance. Call it prayer, meditation, daydreaming, it works the same. The gift waves of reality are there.

A little version tell me how to fix any machine, I do not need the book to see the problem.

Time does not seem to exist, for I can go to another period much like thinking of something in the present. They are gone, but their awareness lingers. Life and death an illusion.

I have strong doubts about C Squared.

Raising awareness seems to be what I do. Not just mine, but spread through books and invention. Some from the past, some from the future.

The potential of awareness seems unlimited.

Buddhism does seem like learniig to be strong, then sitting and being strong. It lacks action.

I live in the world. Education was great, but...

Before Zen I cut wood and hauled water,
after Zen I cut wood and halued water.

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15 Dec 2007, 3:06 pm

It is nice to see I am not alone in my thoughts! Thank you for all of your replies.

Zen and the Re-Discovery of the Obvious
D. E. Harding

In the 1930's D.E. Harding was asking himself the question, "Who am I?" He realised that what he appeared to be to others depended on their range from him. His observations and thinking included the following: at several feet he appeared human, but closer to he was just an eye, cells, molecules, atoms, electrons and so on, down to practically nothing. Moving away but still looking at him, the external observer lost sight of his individual form which became absorbed into humanity, life, the planet, the solar system, the galaxy. The map he drew of himself looked like an onion with many layers. The human layer was half-way out from the centre.

The question Harding became particularly concerned with was: "What or who is at the centre?" This question was of vital importance to him partly because it was during the Second World War, Harding was in India, and threat of invasion from the East loomed. He wanted to find out who he really was before he died. In a sense, any other question became secondary to this one: "Who am I really?"

Harding finally discovered what and who was at centre not by thinking but simply by looking. This moment is described in his book On Having No Head. Basically, he realised he could see his legs, arms, trunk, but not his head. From where he was looking, he was headless. Instead of his head there was nothing - clear space, emptiness. And in this space was the world. He had 'lost a head and gained a world'.

This experience corresponds to what in other traditions might be called Liberation, Enlightenment, seeing God, seeing the Void, being centred.

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15 Dec 2007, 3:13 pm

Here is a youtube video ON Having No Head.


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15 Dec 2007, 5:06 pm

cdarwin wrote:
The question Harding became particularly concerned with was: "What or who is at the centre?"..... Basically, he realised he could see his legs, arms, trunk, but not his head. From where he was looking, he was headless. Instead of his head there was nothing - clear space, emptiness. And in this space was the world. He had 'lost a head and gained a world'.This experience corresponds to what in other traditions might be called Liberation, Enlightenment, seeing God, seeing the Void, being centred.

i think it is perfectly possible to have this experience without any enlightenment, as a result of drug use for instance, as shamans etc have pointed out about use of drugs for "spiritual experiences".
It sounds very like what i experienced for most of my life until age 29, this dreamy state of having world in head. Crushed Pentagon, on wp, mentions this sensation too, of literally having trouble feeling that the world is real, that people are concrete.
It can be an opium induced experience, or as in my case a 29 year long food-opioid trip which spaced me out, in which people were holograms and merited no more care than as if were that, and as if nothing i did had any real solid consequences.
Having come down from that i now discover that people are real, with real feelings, and that it is much harder to negotiate sensitively among them than it was navigating amongst them as mere illusions. (In which hurt feelings did not worry me except as possible problems for dealing with that person in the future. Now i can't do that anymore.) Also i have almost completely lost the ability to stick to any project beyond a few weeks or days in most cases.
I can understand why opiate drug addicts apparently have such a high return to addiction or suicide rate because life without the drug can be so dreary compared to the glories of the world in the head. It wouldn't matter maybe, being like that, but for the destruction it wreaks, the alienation, and disconnection it engenders.
I understand that it is possible to see oneself as nothing but bundle of wrappings ( habits, reactions, perceptions, etc etc) around an emptiness, but only theoretically. Because as soon as i interact with real life i identify with these all over again. While i remain motionless contemplating this superb emptiness at the centre is fine, but not as soon as get active. I am not convinced that the understanding or even the experience of this, is necessarily a sign of spiritual enlightenment.


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15 Dec 2007, 5:22 pm

I'm sorry, I can't seem to grasp this idea. I don't really understand it, but I've never been one for deep thought. My partner is deep and meaningful, but I can't seem to get into those thoughts. I'm stuck in the everyday stuff that is in our conscious (go to work, clean the kitchen etc). I don't remember anything before I was 4. that seems a bit weird to me.
It all seems fascinating though, and great to know that there are people out there who can think like this.

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15 Dec 2007, 5:36 pm

Ouinon, I am sorry but I have never believed in the GFCF opioid theory.

This "leaky gut" allows some food proteins to pass through into the bloodstream only partially digested, particularly the gluten from wheat/oats/rye/barley, and the casein from milk and other dairy products. These partially digested proteins form peptides which have an opiate-like affect (opioids is another term for them). They can bind to the receptors and cause harmful effects in the brain just like a regular opiate. Opiates can either cause or magnify autistic symptoms. The opiates are a type of narcotic. There are receptors in the brain that they bind with to reduce pain and induce pleasure, but they also have harmful side effects. An example of an opiate is morphine or heroin. Until it can be figured out how to heal the "leaky guts", many parents are putting their children on the gluten free/casein free diets .

I am sorry, I know a lot of people do. I thank you for your thoughts my friend.


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15 Dec 2007, 5:40 pm

When I was still in grade school, I wondered why I wasn't on the same side of my eyes as everyone else. "Why am I me?" I wanted to appear to myself the same as other people appeared to me, instead of having to use a mirror. I never understood why I couldn't.

To eliminate poverty, you have to eliminate at least three things: time, the bell curve and the Pauli Exclusion Principle. Have fun.


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15 Dec 2007, 6:04 pm

You need to read the book "Being and Nothingness" by Sartre.

I love the reference to knowing if your blue is the same as others blue. Sartre says we can never know if we all see the same blue; its impossible to test.


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15 Dec 2007, 10:14 pm

I believe that...

This world is energy. Everything is energy. There are many universes, and all are bursting with this energy - this life. Energy is everything and nothing; it's sentient, it's conscious, it thinks and moves and changes and feels... it moves with us, to our thoughts, as our thoughts are just another facet of it. It is light and love. There is no emptiness or space... just this energy we're all bound to and part of. I guess you could call that 'God'.

I've had glimpses in the past of other people, other places, other times.

I've woken up flying feet-first down the street one time, at lightning speed. I felt so alive; I could see everything around at me at once, it was like my eyes were marbles covered with a film that was like the lens of my eye. Infinite view of everything. Then I realised this wasn't right, and fell back into my bed, where I woke up 'properly'.

I've seen the world as sound... the entire world is just a field of this energy, and when something enters within the distance to which I can hear - to which my field extends - the energy moves in lines of waves to accomodate that new object, and the sound is heard accordingly.

I've felt time slow in a minor car crash.

I've had dreams that have come true... literally. All mundane; a road I've never gone down, a house I've never been to, a view I've never seen. All of which were experienced within the next few months.

I believe strongly in fate. Everything happens for a reason - there are no coincidences, only patterns of occurances that serve to help you follow the path you're meant to go down and learn the things you're meant to learn. Awareness of this further encourages these coincidences to happen. The Celestine Prophecy (by James Redfield) is spot on. This guidance is what led to me finding my partner, my soulmate - our friends call it a fairytale, as the number of coincidences that led to us getting together from opposite sides of the world boggle the mind.

Do we all see the same? Is a rose to you, a rose to me? Are we even in a true physical realm? Is this all just a big test; a way to learn lessons to further our consciousness?

I strongly believe that what we believe will happen will do. There's evidence from some scientists in Russie that our DNA changes according to what we believe, which serves to explain why people who expect themselves to be sick will become sick. The earth - our beautiful, living, breathing, conscious organism of a planet - is much the same. We all need to raise our consciousness and think positively always to help her recover, and to help ourselves move on to a better level of living and interaction. Positive thoughts can change the world - much like the story of the 100th monkey. The times are changing, our consciousness and awareness as a species is growing and lifting and raising. Let's all be the change we want to see.

We are a fever, we are a fever, we ain't born typical...