I first want to complain about whoever left the giant railroad spike-sized nail in the road that obliterated my left rear tire last Friday. Thankfully this new $100+ tire was covered with Road Hazard Insurance at Sears and I got the full value in the replacement tire as it was only a few months old. I only had to pay for the new stem, balancing the new tire, and Road Hazard Insurance for the new tire. It still sucked wasting half of Friday dealing with it. I had to leave work early, which I could get into trouble for since our time cards were submitted Wednesday due to the holiday. I could not do a correction, as nobody was in to correct it.
My second complaint is about my Father's new wife. We agreed to try and have them over again, the last time was a fiasco, and it didn't go well. To start the day off, I held the door for her and said "Hello!", which was one of her complaints from the last time we saw them 6+ months ago. She said, "Merry Christmas!" To which I said nothing. Unable to let this go she said, "What, you don't say Merry Christmas?" I replied bluntly, "I am not a Christian, so no!" To keep things in perspective, I happen to agree with the religious nuts who say "Keep the Christ in Christmas", even if they aren't actually celebrating the dude's real birthday. It is their holiday, so I don't participate. It would be blasphemous to me and disrespectful to them. But to most people I am just an as*hole, because I am not Christian. Oh well! Secondly, my 4-year old son was showing off some of his lightsabers and was excited to "train" my Father. When he talked to her about them, she said "I don't do Star Wars!" That was just plain rude, and intentional at that based upon what happened as she arrived. How dare she treat my son like that. This is not the first time either, as she has not included him in stuff that she did for my oldest daughter and would refuse him bluntly when he inquired if he could participate. What a b***h! My wife prefers the 'C' word. Thirdly, she invited herself upstairs to see our bedrooms when my wife went up to get the baby up from her nap. You just don't do that. Sure, my wife could have invited her, but seeing as how the baby doesn't know her and is going through a bit of a stranger anxiety thing at the moment, she didn't want her to come, but she did anyway. Then she went off into the other kid's rooms and our bedroom. What a nosey b***h. Finally, while my wife and I were not paying attention she took our oldest daughter aside and asked her if she wanted to spend the weekend with them, something I have made clear is not going to happen. I do not trust my Father to watch my kid, so I sure is hell don't trust her. My wife was livid that she once again used our daughter to try and persuade us of something. We are seriously considering telling my Father never again. He can visit, but she is not welcome.
Ha ha! This was post 4404!! ! I must be in error...
I won?t tell anyone else how to be
You can be yourself, but just let me be me
Last edited by Trigger11 on 27 Dec 2007, 6:13 am, edited 2 times in total.