In no particular order
1] Bonobo (Cuter, nicer, and smarter than chimps. I'm not sure why they get less attention)
2] Gibbon (Cleverly mischeivous, and very beautiful. Gorrilas are the only other apes that I don't think are ugly)
3] Capuchin (I love monkeys in general, but these are my favorite.)
4] Chinese Waterdragon ( I'm probably partial because I have one, but I think for lizards they have huge personalities and are highly intelligent. Almost like a cat)
5] Sun Conure (Favorite bird. Very pretty, very smart, very friendly. Expensive, but if I got a bird for a pet, this would be it)
6] Whale (Incredible animals. They make the most beautiful music. I always wonder just how intelligent they really are)
7] Dolphin (Same reason as the whale)
8] Elephant (Not only smart, but sensitive, caring, helpful. Why are circuses still allowed to mistreat such noble creatures?)
9] Wolf (Can't really explain it, but I'm naturally drawn to them)
10] Cat (I can identify with them. They also make excellent family members)