Okay that makes sense, but why not just write for then? why the 'always' comment?
BDSM isn't rape btw, it is a game. Just like paintball isn't war and boxing isn't brawling. Following rules makes the difference.
A few extreme forms of BDSM involve no rules whatsoever; no safe words, no boundaries, no set times or places. It's agreed on beforehand.
Still isn't anything more than a game. A very dangerous game maybe, but if both parties concent there is no rape.
MissConstrue wrote:
I don't know about the english terminology of pedophilia other than how it's used in our culture which is an adult who takes sexual interests to children. In that case, I would be against. Funny how sex can also be a form of abuse to an unwilling victim. Children are usually immature and afraid when it comes to something such as this. It's clearly been proven that it does do damage to them pyschologically and affects them as adults.
This is what I was talking about. I have a sexual interest in children; however, I would challenge you to find me any child who has been negatively affected by my interest in them (Or affected at all, since I don't act on my attractions). How can you reasonably support being against my attractions when they will not lead to action?[/quote]
One should be allowed to have fantasies without people assuming that you intend to ever live out these fantasies. A couple of months ago there was a story in the news about a man who had kidnapped a woman and tortured her for days before she was rescued. I had very violent fantasies about what I would like to do to that man, but in real life I would never harm anyone.
Oh and just a stray thought here; you are 17 years old, in your age you are pretty much a pedophile the moment you have an interest in someone younger than you, even if they are only a few years younger. Noone accuses a 50 year old who dates a 25 year old of being a pedophile even though the age difference is much greater here. You may find that the people you are interested in change as you get older, and are always only slightly younger than you. Just a thought.
Once I knew everything, then I got smarter, now the only thing I know is that I know nothing.
Strange how that worked out isn't it?