I was off, soz guys, yay for discussion though, things to talk about;
First, T-28 Super Heavy Tank was never fielded, two were made but they were pretyy, well s**t, the US used the amazing M26 Pershing for heavy tank status, which could easily manage a Tiger at 1000m.
Second, My personal favourites are the Tiger I and the Jagdpanther, love them, T-34 and IS-2/3 as well but less so due to the fact that they had a less legendary reputation than the Tiger, Though I do love russian tanks in general, probably the best in the war, the Panther and T-34 are thought of by historians as the greates tanks due to duribility and firepower, very reliable too, though the panther at first sucked, later modifications helped a great deal with the engine problems.
Third, I don't have much knowledge on the Konigstiger but I'm pretty sure its rear plate was about 80mm thick, which would make the shermans job quite hard, but the TIIs were rarely used anyway, the Panthers were the real threat, which were often a challenge for shermans as the shermans weak armour and gun, till later in the at least, the 76mm guns were rather better at piercing armour of the superior german armour, but I'm honestly not sure about the T-34, it was an amazing tank but I think it could barely take a tiger from the side, so I think they aimed at the back, whereas the Iosif Stalin series had very little problem with reduce tigers to shrapnel at ranges of over a mile. Talking modern tanks though, that isreali tank does look pretty cool, I personally like the british challenger 2, its probably the best modern tank around, its getting a rheinmetall 125mm smooth-bore gun upgrade soon, just like the Leopard 2, which is also a brilliant tank, whereas the M1 Abrams, though very effective, is getting slightly old I think, loads of them have been destroyed yet only 2 challengers have been damaged and repaired while one was destroyed, sorry for the wall of text lol, never liked paragraphs 
"When I Die, I Rot"-Bertrand Russell
"War does not prove who is right, only who is left"-Also Russell
"Religion is the Opium of the Masses" -Karl Marx, Father of Communism