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13 Aug 2008, 4:46 am

*starts singing 99 lives* :)

I shall rule the world with an iron spork!! !!
http://www.imvu.com/catalog/web_mypage. ... r=10671143
4th sin: sloth.


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13 Aug 2008, 4:49 am

99 bottles of beer on the wall
99 bottles of beer
you take one down
pass it around
98 bottle of beer on the wall

98 bottles of.....this might take a while :)


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13 Aug 2008, 4:54 am


98 bottles of rootbeer on the wall
99 bottles of rootbeer
you take one down
pass it around
97 bottles of rootbeer on the wall :lol:

I shall rule the world with an iron spork!! !!
http://www.imvu.com/catalog/web_mypage. ... r=10671143
4th sin: sloth.


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13 Aug 2008, 4:57 am


I just found this token in a bag of coins
Der Wiener.... :) always funny
Not sure what schuhhaus is..



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13 Aug 2008, 5:07 am


I shall rule the world with an iron spork!! !!
http://www.imvu.com/catalog/web_mypage. ... r=10671143
4th sin: sloth.


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13 Aug 2008, 6:25 am





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13 Aug 2008, 6:27 am



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13 Aug 2008, 11:02 am





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13 Aug 2008, 12:10 pm

Did you hear Denis Leary`s bit about how he felt
about Yoko..?

quote""John Lennon takes six bullets to the chest,
Yoko Ono is standing right next to him, not one
single bullet, explain it to me god, i want an explanaition now!! !!""


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13 Aug 2008, 1:15 pm

Heeeey, it says in the paper that today is:

Left Handed Day :D
and all leftys should rise their left arm proudly in the air

I`m a member of that club, so i`m gonna make a cake
or something i think

Here`s some fun facts about leftys:

- Leftys usually think faster

- They make more money

- They kill themselfes way more often compared to rightys

- For some reason they adapt faster to seeing under water

- They live shorter

- Constantly have smeared ink on their hand when writing :)

- Among people with language-difficulties, there are more leftys

- Among people who are brilliant in math, there are more leftys

- Leftys often hit puberty later then others

- Leftys switch to using both hands equal later in life more often then rightys

Some famous leftys:

- Adolf Hitler

- Charlie Chaplin

- Osama Bin Laden

- Albert Einstein

- Julius Cesar

- Fidel Castro

- George W. Bush

- Jack the Ripper

- Leonardo da Vinci

- Michelangelo

- Paul McCartney

- Bill Gates

- Bob Dylan

- Barac Obama

- Marilyn Monroe

- Mozart

and more

Happy left handed day everyone :D southpaws rule!! ! hehe j/k

..wonder if there is an Ambidextrous Day, that would be 8)

"""Ambidexterity is the state of being equally adept in the use of both right and left appendages (such as the hands). It is one of the most famous varieties of cross-dominance.

Although ambidexterity is rare, ambidextrous people may still gravitate towards performing certain types of tasks with a specific hand. The degree of versatility with each hand is generally the qualitative factor in determining a person's ambidexterity."""


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13 Aug 2008, 4:56 pm

ImTheGuyThatDidThat wrote:
- Adolf Hitler
- Osama Bin Laden
- Fidel Castro
- George W. Bush
- Jack the Ripper
- Paul McCartney
- Bill Gates

Wow - you must be so proud

(sorry I just couldnt resist)


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13 Aug 2008, 10:37 pm

One thing I want to be able to do before I die is to be able to write with both hands at once, and I think I can do it with practice. :D

So simple, it's complicated


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14 Aug 2008, 3:06 am

You probably can :D

I did it, and was really surprised how fast it went,
didnt take many hours before it felt "natural" to
use the right one also. Currently i`m training on
writing two different lines of text on two different
pieces of paper, one with each hand, at the same
time :) Thats much harder i notice, it can be difficult
to keep the two different lines of text separated in
your head when writing like this, and in the beginning
one hand wanted to do the same thing as the other one
was doing, but its fun, interesting.


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14 Aug 2008, 3:09 am

BoabDil wrote:
ImTheGuyThatDidThat wrote:
- Adolf Hitler
- Osama Bin Laden
- Fidel Castro
- George W. Bush
- Jack the Ripper
- Paul McCartney
- Bill Gates

Wow - you must be so proud

(sorry I just couldnt resist)

:lol: i know...

Almost every person with power is a lefty, conspiracy..? 8O :lol:
Find it interessting that we find Castro, Bush, Hitler, Obama and Bin Laden
on this list. Wonder if the other presidents of usa was a lefty also..
Think Clinton was actually, and possibly Reagen also


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14 Aug 2008, 7:47 am

Just saw a woman on tv, one day she was making cheese sandwithces
and suddenly she saw a pic of a face in the burnt crust of the bread.

According to her, its the virgin Mary, mother of Jesus...
Then, she sold it on ebay for $25,000 or something like that 8O :) 8O

This strikes me as a little weird, its a fact that the human mind automatically
tries to recognize shapes that resembel faces. Which is why we often can see a
face-shape in pretty much anything, its just how our brains work.

Second, why the virgin Mary, if it is a face of someone, could it not just be
anybody..? Its always Mary, Jesus or that crew that shows up. Might have
something to do with the fact that people who experince this are religious,
I have never heard of anyone who didnt belive in Jesus suddenly seeing his
face on something. So i guess you have to belive to see.

$25,000 for a piece of toast.. :) good one

Well, i`m off to make some sandwithces, maybe i can earn a few quick bucks :)


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14 Aug 2008, 7:55 am

Ad in newspaper today:

"200 crates of catfood was stolen last night from
a local shop. Police are looking for a cat with a
trucklicense" :lol: