Bradleigh wrote:
Well Satyres are often perverts,
yes, but, so are vampires.
all life lives off another,
by degrees, some of which are worse than others.
we can manipulate people,
Such control also controls the controller.
are more vicous,
Come now, seriously, a fight between a satyr and a vampire... i mean, we can juggle 10 balls and play the flute at the same time. Theres just no getting around it. And reflex speed is based on environmental navigation. Vampires don't
jog at 40 mph. how is being vicious a good thing, anyways?
have fan girls
Thralls are not fans, they are blood drinkers who need a fix. Fan girls? Hello? Satyrs are gonna win that contest any day.
and we have good maners as we do not enter a home unless invited.
Were that the only measure of good manners, you might have a point. Since you eat people, you don't have a point.
You know what I just can not decide between goat and human to feed on, only if there was some inbetween *stares and bares fangs*.
oh look, you have somthing caught between your teeth, let me help you with that....