it depends what mean by other appointments?
for haircuts,keep doing the way are doing it,if are ok with how sister cuts.
am have sister do it as well,or take a bic razer to it and shave it.
if other appointments- includes dentists,it may be possible to get IV sedation for dental work,and possible for the pre work appointment-they do also offer general anaesthetic for this.
am have a disability dentist [one who only works with disabled patients],and have general anaesthetic for any dental work-as well as the pre work appointments,am kept in private room at the day surgical unit at trafford general hospital for that.
if this sounds too much for self-maybe getting prescribed a sedative off the doctor to take before going into appointment would help self relax,as dad does this for his appointment.
letting a dentist,doctors etc know are not good with close contact before appointment is good-have this written into notes/.
>severely autistic.
>>the residential autist;
blogging from the view of an ex institutionalised autism/ID activist now in community care.
>>>help to keep bullying off our community,report it!