Chaos cleaning schedule:
Section 1.1: the Kitchen
Load dishes into dishwasher, wipe kitchen counter with hot/soapy towel, wipe kitchen counter with non soapy towel.
Sweep floor, throw away any empty packaging, tidy kitchen by putting things in order. Vacuum.
Section 1.2: the Dining room
Clean off table, throw away old papers, vacuum.
Section 1.3: the Living room
Tidy magazines, papers, etc. Wipe down coffee table.
Section 1.4: Entrance
Section 2.1: Upstairs hall
Section 2.2: Room 1
Section 2.3: Room 2
Section 2.4: Room 3 (my room)
Throw away what needs to be thrown away, place yarn/knitting needles in crafts box, make bed, put books in neat stacks, put clothes in washing bin, remove anything that's lieing around on the floor and put back in it's original place.
Section 2.5: Bathroom
Scrub/rinse sink, scrub/rinse bath tub, put toilet cleaner stuff in toilet, shake out rugs outside (joy oh joy), vacuum and mop floor.
The game I ordered better come today so I can plunk on the couch and get some me-time after that monster list:p