Spokane_Girl wrote:
But the house did catch on fire in the movie script...
Yeah, I read that on IMDB the other night, I wonder if they actually did film it but just cut the scene out (I figure it would make sense if they realized that filming a house burning down would go over their budget)...it does kind of look like the flame is still flickering for a bit after Joon walks away.
If anything, they would probably mention it in the DVD commentary, but it doesn't look like there is any.
Spokane_Girl wrote:
Hey did you notice the part where Joon is holding a kleenex next to the fan and she has a lit candle on the floor, she has this look on her face as she drops it?
I'm pretty sure it was intentional...I know when I was younger, I'd do some pretty irrational things when I was angry with my parents. Heck, even when I wasn't angry, I'd still manage to find all sorts of destructive things to keep me busy
Spokane_Girl wrote:
...I am sure she would pull out her other ID unless her medical card was the only ID she had and she knows to show it if anyone asks for ID.
That, and I think the filmmakers thought that point in the movie was a good time to go "Hey, PS. she has a mental disability." I had to pause it to actually read the card though.
Speaking of which, I liked how the cop had his thumb over part of the phone number, and it wasn't a 555 number...later, when Benny asks his coworker for someone's number, he quickly says "555" while he's offscreen, I think they overdubbed it (sorry, I notice weird things like that).
I know they've had movies before where in theatres they'd have real phone numbers, and they'd change them to "555" for home release.
Spokane_Girl wrote:
But it's a movie so I don't really get all worked up over it and if I had someone who was over protective of me, I would be doing things to drive them crazy too and just let them blame it on my AS.
I didn't think he was too protective, but he definitely did overreact at Sam and Joon's "itemship". But I guess it wouldn't be much of a movie if there wasn't some sort of conflict going on.
I'll brave the storm to come, for it surely looks like rain...