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04 Sep 2009, 9:27 am

The only piercing I have had is my left ear but I had gotten tired of the hole the just kept closing over time after time. So for a while I just gave up and let it close up for good for a while. Then I noticed the trend of people wearing earrings with stretched out holes and I liked the look of them but I did not think I would wear one myself. But then I thought, what the heck it is my body after all and I can do what I like with it. So I punched a 6mm hole in my left ear and a soon as it healed into a perfectly round hole I started stretching it to its current size of 16mm. I may go to 18mm Everyone says that earring really suits me because I wear fine black rimmed glasses and the earing it also black coloured steel.


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04 Sep 2009, 11:39 am

did you do it yourself?


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04 Sep 2009, 11:12 pm

First ones that kept closing up I didn't but the last one I did it exactly the same place. It is pretty straight forward providing everything is steralized. I have had no problems with infection which is why have never tried to piece the cartilage part of the ear because I have heard they can get so easily infected. The blood supply to the cartilage is by nature very poor and makes it much harder for the bodies natural defenses against infection. I like to look of some cartilage piercing jewely but you have to be extra extra careful it does not get infected.


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05 Sep 2009, 5:20 am

I have only my ears pierced but I really want more.

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05 Sep 2009, 5:32 am

Six ear piercings, one belly piercing. I'd like to get my tongue pierced too but haven't got around to it yet and not sure I will.

I personally hate the look of stretched out holes and think they look disgusting. But to each their own so I am glad you are enjoying your new piercing, paulsinnerchild.


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05 Sep 2009, 7:44 am

Some over do it but I settled for what I have. What I don't like are neck and face tattoos. I have seen a lot of neck tattoos lately and I feel a bit threatened by those people who have them. BTW I have seen some beautiful tattoo artwork even though I have not got any.


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05 Sep 2009, 9:13 am

I have none, although my brother did have an earring at one point, and both of my sisters have ear and tummy-button piercings.

I may sound like a total and utter weedy so-and-so for saying this, but... needles are not my friend. The only time I ever let one near me is if I need a blood sample taken... and even then I'm not exactly happy about it.

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05 Sep 2009, 12:54 pm

Really not big on jewelry at all (though I'm a guy, so I guess it's not all that uncommon). I had phases where I'd wear friendship bracelets or maybe even a necklace, but that was about it. I think I did consider an eyebrow piercing when I was in highschool, but I heard they reject/infect easily, so the thought died as quickly as it came.

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05 Sep 2009, 1:32 pm

no dont want em only thing i have is autism bracelet :P

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05 Sep 2009, 3:15 pm

I used to have a bunch.

I first pierced my ear with a safety pin. Old school.

I had 5 ear piercings, both eyebrows, and a nipple pierced.

My body kept pushing the eyebrow ones to the surface, trying to expel them, so I had to take them out eventually. They were my favorites.

Playing rugby, you have to take all your piercings out every time you practice or play. It got to be too much of a chore, so I took them all out.

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I have remembered how to seem."
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05 Sep 2009, 9:10 pm

I have my nose and ears pierced, I had pierced my lip twice but hated the metal. I also have my lobes stretched to a 00 gauge. I have two tattoos as well :D


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06 Sep 2009, 7:57 am

One kind of piercing I find disgusting are those genital peircings. I could not bare to look at so as a picture of one. They may me cringe. One time I walked into a public urinal and I was greeted with the sight of a guy with a big bolt in his you know what!! Yuck!! ! Another form of piecing I find looks disgusting is getting ones uvula pierced Yuck again!!. I have not even seen a picture of that and I would not want to.

Last edited by paulsinnerchild on 06 Sep 2009, 9:37 am, edited 1 time in total.

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06 Sep 2009, 8:25 am

I have my labret pierced and 7 earrings at the moment, I'd like to get my nose done and maybe a snakebite as well. But I'm arguing with my partner about whos decision it is, so might take me a while. A friend of mine had her labia pierced (yuk) and as such gives new meaning to riding the bus home :lol:

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06 Sep 2009, 10:38 am

Right here!

Both ears - 00 gauge
nipples - 6 gauge
labret - 12 gauge

wish list:


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07 Sep 2009, 6:05 pm

I have 18 piercings :D

Right ear
9/16" lobe
14g lobe
16g lobe
16g rook

Left ear
9/16" lobe
14g lobe
16g lobe
14g inner conch
16g helix

16g lip, 20g nostril, 18g eyebrow, and 16g septum (I know those are teeny tiny but I've had my nostril for 4 years and my eyebrow for 5 and no problems!)

14g nipples, 14g navel, 14g VCH, and a microdermal on my chest.


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07 Sep 2009, 6:24 pm

Not interested in piercings.

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