G'day forum folks,
My 2 ASdian boys went along swimimingly with every thing for exactly 18 months saying a few words strung together. My oldest was well ahead with his milestones, then Bang everything shut down for a good 12 months in both of them. After about 12 months amazing language skills came rushing back, all this language all at once, not too sure how much they comprehended but thats another story........ The very first thing my youngest uttered after his return from beyound was while his Grandmother and I where driving along in the car with him, after we had been grocery shopping. Grandma was sitting next to him in the car which was her habbit. Without saying anything (because she didn't want me to know, because he was not suppose to eat it) she pulled a small chocholate bar out of her bag and was going to give my son some. Before she had finished opening and breaking a piece off to give him he said in a loud clear voice "Yuuuuum, I like choclate" We laughed clapped and cheered and I wept with joy (I had been so worried about his lost speech) The chocolate was worth it after all.
My oldest son was the same with language. His first words after his "return" was when he saw Coco, our dog standing outside the glass door waiting to be let inside he said "Mum Coco's hungry, let her in please". Come to think of it "Coco" was the first single word he uttered too, closely followed by "why"
Both of my boys have not taken a breath since. They even argue about who's turn to talk it is. LOL Even though totally appropriate and functional I some times wonder if this constant talking is a kind of stimming or is it just making up for lost time. LOL