I like having extremely visual thinking (i.e. I can mentally turn around shapes, and am really good with directions if I've seen a map of the place before and am informed of the current location).
Anothing thing that seems to be related to being autistic is that in math class, I would just look at a problem and arrive at the answer immediately, solving for instance a problem involving logarithms in seconds, whereas solving the same problem by thinking it through the verbal steps would have taken me a LOONG time. I've been reading up on number theory lately and am understanding it very well. It seems like sometimes I slip into an almost-but-not-quite-savantish mode with math and physics (for the majority of the time), but if I'm overloaded or something, then the only mode of thinking available is the verbal, which tends to be extremely nonspecific, and so complicates math and science problems for me.
Science and math are what I love (along with writing, drawing, reading, piano, etc.), so I'm glad that I think in a way that is conducive to learning these subjects and providing creative insight (for instance, while everyone in my science class comes to understand a given principle because of the line of reasoning provided in the textbook, I come to the same conclusion through a totally independent line of reasoning that is not presented in the text or lectures.
"There are things you need not know of, though you live and die in vain,
There are souls more sick of pleasure than you are sick of pain"
--G. K. Chesterton, The Aristocrat