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Snowy Owl
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19 Jun 2006, 9:47 pm

I can hear things most people dont..high pitch noise TV's make, devices to scare away dogs, bugs, etc...

But I also hear a high pitch whine in my head once and a while. It usually seems to come from one ear, and is most definately coming from within my head. It is quite loud, comes and goes as it pleases. Happens maybe once a month.

Interesting stuff anyway ;) No voices sadly...perhaps they would keep me company. haha


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19 Jun 2006, 11:13 pm

If you get a really quiet environment, you can hear your own blood pumping in your head.

I hear all sorts of high pitched squeals. The computer fan is making one, the tv makes some, the fridge makes all sorts.

However monitor squeals are the worst. I used to walk across the other side of the office to turn off monitors that had been left on. They'd be fine while the computer was talking to them but when the computer got turned off, the monitor would start squealing. Argh.

I don't hear things before a healthy dog does, but I do before most anyone else I know does. Not enough rock concerts - but they hurt too much.

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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20 Jun 2006, 10:05 am

I have never had such experience, but it would be very interesting, if I could here low range noises. Besides this I can say that noise do not make problems for me. Sometimes in the silence seems to me that I do not hear any noise, I need to concentrate if I want to hear. So I can live with this noise.
(and I know that I am crazy without knowing about any noises in my head)

Tufted Titmouse
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20 Jun 2006, 5:14 pm

I hear that kinda stuff alot.


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20 Jun 2006, 6:05 pm

wobbegong wrote:
If you get a really quiet environment, you can hear your own blood pumping in your head.

I hear all sorts of high pitched squeals. The computer fan is making one, the tv makes some, the fridge makes all sorts.

However monitor squeals are the worst. I used to walk across the other side of the office to turn off monitors that had been left on. They'd be fine while the computer was talking to them but when the computer got turned off, the monitor would start squealing. Argh.

I don't hear things before a healthy dog does, but I do before most anyone else I know does. Not enough rock concerts - but they hurt too much.

I'd forgotten about computer monitors - it's been so long since I was anywhere with one left on. But argh, definitely.

Dog whistles - I have never known whether we're meant to hear them or not? I always do, and they're not particularly high either. I just assumed everyone else heard them too.

Spectrumite ... somewhere.

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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20 Jun 2006, 8:05 pm

With the dog whistles some you’re supposed to and some you can't.

Anyone familiar with the electronic dog trainers on the box it says humans can’t hear it but I do.

The world is so full of noises it can drive you crazy some times. All the little things like clocks, computers, Buzz of lights, refrigerators, CD players and others.

Musical_Lottie you mentioned in another post you played an instrument correct? So I assume you have played with a chamber or band etc.. Do you hear each instrument separately of the song as a whole?

I have the problem of hearing every instrument as a separate song when I go to a symphony or even listen to music at times I get overwhelmed. It's like playing 5 different songs at once but this only really happens that it bothers me and I can't cope when I am having a bad day.

Anyone Else have this problem? Or maybe its a blessing 99% of the time :)

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22 Jun 2006, 10:50 am

Yes, I've played in orchestras, windbands, chamber ensembles etc. All the classical stuff. But I have APD and therefore find it extremely difficult to pick out instruments separately, unless they're playing an extremely exposed solo. I hear the music as one big wall of sound, which it sometimes overwhelming. When listening to pieces, especially big symponies, it does get overwhelming. I don't usually find it a problem when playing though, because I have to be so focussed on my own part and on playing that correctly. Yes I do have to listen to others to make sure I'm in time and at a decent dynamic, but that's always secondary to focussing on my own part.

I have to say though, I do sometimes hyperfocus when listening, so I can then pick out an individual instrument whilst the rest kind of blurs around it. This generally only happens when I can see the instrument playing so i can try to pick out how I think what I'm seeing should sound, or if the instrument has a particularly distinct tone (such as oboe.) But I can't imagine hearing each instrument individually but simultaneously. The thought is mind-boggling; I just can't comprehend it really.

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30 Jun 2006, 1:10 am

i get a nice little ringing in my head when i'm in front of my montier without head phones or some loud music playing.

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30 Jun 2006, 11:18 pm

I hear a sound like radio static when it's quiet. Also a sound like there's people talking but they're far away, so it's like murmuring. I've read somewhere that it can be due to temporal lobe brain differences.


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30 Jun 2006, 11:21 pm

people talking in my head when i'm not controlling it would scare the hell out of me. o_o

"It's the song of destruction a requiem of the end" jr in xenosaga III


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01 Jul 2006, 4:06 am

Hearing voices doesnt need mean that you are crazy. Once they start doing demented things to you, thats bad.

At times, I catch my sub conscious thinking. Its the neatest thing. I became aware of it because I have practiced for years at persisting in a state partway between awake and asleep. It seems to mull over little fantasies until it gets something it likes, then it blasts me with it, and I get the usual day dreaming experience.

This is during regular conscious times, btw.

The reason that I catch it is because it kind of thinks something quietly, and a few seconds later I hear a louder "echo thought". Because of my practices, sub conscious thought sometimes imprints in short term memory, and it persists long enough for me to remember when the full blown thought happens.

To tell you the truth, I think this is what "deja vu" is. An echoed thought.

Currently I am struggling to attach sub conscious thoughts to longer term memory. There seems to be an internal consistancy to subconscious thought as well as rules. The problem is remembering the experience properly, so I can articulate them better.

Off hand, I can say that our minds do less creating that we think. While we dream, we think that our minds are filling form and action into all elements in the dream, but most things are static, they dont move. Unfortunately, in a dream, if you focus on an element, the mind fills out its details. It is only through detached attention that I have noticed this.

There are a couple of other general 'rules' but I dont know enough about them to say for sure if they are common to all people, to autists(because I am one), or just specifically to me.

Oh, and as far as tinnitus goes, it can sound like music or harmonic singing too. I get it too, but its ususually just a buzz or ringing sound.

Tufted Titmouse
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05 Jul 2006, 6:33 pm

I can always tell when a TV is on, even when it's on mute or static, and sometimes I hear a similar high-pitched sound from CRT computer monitors. At night, when there's no other sound in the room, I can hear a very soft buzz from the TV in my room, which only goes when I turn off the plug switch. It's not usually noticeable enough to interfere with my sleep though.

Stuck in the Desert and Musical Lottie, something fun I sometimes do while listening to music is to try to focus on individual instruments, usually just one at a time, and learn the tune that instrument is making alone. It's interesting and I find new things about songs that I hadn't noticed before. I find it much easier to do this with headphones though. But I listen to rock music more, so maybe it's easier to do this with than classical.

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05 Jul 2006, 7:33 pm

Depends from what era it is - Haydn quartets for example, are easier than Mahler symphonies! Though baroque I can find difficult to do that with, because it's all so polyphonic. And I try to listen through headphones whenever I can - it means the music goes straight into my ears (as much as is possible) rather than going through the air, reverberating in the room (subtly, but enough to be a pain) and generally just getting a bit lost. Certain instruments I can ususally pick out though because to me they're just so distinctive - usually the double-reeded instruments I find.

Spectrumite ... somewhere.

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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05 Jul 2006, 9:03 pm


I hear the high pitch tvs etc make, I heard of someone that actually stripped their whole Tv down to find out what it was.

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07 Jul 2006, 4:41 am

TVs, monitors, some lights. Only certain pitches really bother me though, most I can handle.

In complete silence I do hear a high-pitched squeal/ringing (tinnitus?) but not always. It is very much like after listening to loud music for a long time. I usually hear this when I am going to bed and haven't been around loud noises or music. I have to turn the radio on to fall asleep so I don't concentrate on it.