Well, I'm obsessed with Invader Zim, and on it, Zim is an incompetent, maniacal alien bent on conquering Earth. He refers to humans as "earthmonkeys" or "earthstinks."
So, one day, when my dad (a suspected aspie himself) was having a conversation with me about explaining to me that non-autistics tend to internalize less frequently, and so get frustrated when I excessively internalize (I'd have spats with my mother and he was trying to explain it wasn't anything against me), and, being familiar with Invader Zim, he referred to non-autistics as "earthmonkeys." I will always remember the way he said, "That doesn't mean you can't learn to coexist with earthmonkeys--I married an earthmonkey!"
BTW, my dad recently got the movie Quatermass 2 after years of remembering distinctly a particular scene but not having it. It is an awesome movie.
"There are things you need not know of, though you live and die in vain,
There are souls more sick of pleasure than you are sick of pain"
--G. K. Chesterton, The Aristocrat