My mother drives me mad sometimes. As it is now, my parents live nearly four hours away from me, so nowadays when she gets to making me batty, it is on the telephone, and I can simply hang up on her, and what is she going to do about it? Their moving away was the best thing that happened to my relationship with that woman. She can be rather difficult. I know I can as well, but my mother really is overbearing, and she had a brain tumor removed a few years back and her brain chemistry is still off, so... yeah... it takes more patience than I have most days to put up with her for more than ten minutes at a time. If she is not randomly topic jumping, she is preaching to me, telling me I need medication to 'fix my autism', telling me how I am not what I am supposed to be, or nagging me about how one of her brothers is strung out and bugging her for money before she yells at me for talking to people who stress me out. You cannot tell her anything as she does not listen or retain information due to her surgery. I try to be patient, but damn... The thing is, I really think she means well. I think she loves me and just wants me to be happy and in her own way, she is just trying to have some kind of relationship with me as she never had one with her own mother. She just does not know how to go about it and neither do I.
"...don't ask me why it's just the nature of my groove..."