What is your goal in education and career?
Not sure there is a few things I would like to learn but as for major education like university’s I am done with that. I hope to learn Spanish it really helps to know some when you live in California. I also hope to learn how to read music ( no I don’t play an instrument confused yeah so am I). With my career I am pretty happy I would like to make more money and get more hours so I can make a proper living.
What is your most realistic choice of education and career?
Most likely I will stay where I am for a while and hope for a promotion in a few years.
What is your most unrealistic choice of education and career that you probably won't experience?
Winning the lotto. I don’t gamble so like that’s going to happen.
"Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one."
"Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe."