I'm not conserned with the ceremony and ritual tht happens aferward. That stuff is to satisfy the living. It would be a nice thought that people would be happy at my end, not focus on the fact I'm gone but rethink about what they learned from my life, even if it's "Don't be like him". More of a celebration of life than a mourning of death. Yet sorrow flows and they can express this greif in their own way. I don't care about the spiritual aspects of death... I do care what happens to my remains.
I wanna be a cello. My skull up the top, top jaw and brain cavity covering the tuning screws. The back has my spine, going down as far as possible. Possibly using my tailbone as a pivot (some how). The bottom string fixture has my hands, making it look like the strings are being pulled downward. The bridge in the middle would be my bottom jaw bone, each string notched into a tooth. Rib cage and probably pelvis making the body of the instrument. I want as much of me in this thing as possible. A deep red wood. Same with the bow, not sure what bits are best for that. Perhaps even skinned and turned into leather to cover the case it's carrired in. Maybe, there's some way that even the strings could be made from me. Can varnish still work when there's blood in it? I don't want to make this too... I hesitate to use the word but... goth. Not black and spider webs but more organic and 'cycle of life'-ish.
Trust me, there's more. But you get the jist.
All things hide a lesson.
The question is then posed,
How deep must one look?