If we're going to talk about sleeping naked, may as well as talk about other non-sexual stuff people in here do naked. This past weekend, I went to a nude campground. If anyone wants to ask me if it was sexually charged, it was not. I made a bunch of new friends there, and there was over 30 people total at the naturist party. We played volleyball, pitched horseshoes, socialized in a sauna, and partook in a couple of hot tubs. I practiced t'ai ji naked in nature, and it was beautiful.
I love this environment, because it puts everyone on an even "playing field." Not once did I think anything about having AS. Then again, I didn't need to tell anyone about it either. The owner and her mother (who lives with the owner) were both impressed with me this past weekend. So, I've been invited to come back whenever I want. Am looking to go up there perhaps on the 2nd weekend in June. I'm looking forward to it already.
Sleeping naked may be wonderful. However, I am proud to be a naturist (nudist in modern day terms). I love the naturist lifestyle, where being naked totally is the best.
"The Jazz of Life - the only way to live life"
Dx'd with AS and AD/HD Combined in 2007
Interests: Music, great outdoors (beach/mountains), cooking/baking, philosophy, arts/sciences, reading, writing, sports, spirituality, Green, sus