liloleme wrote:
aspi-rant wrote:
and i am not entitled to call this parent ignorant???
You called him an "idiot parent" which basically means he is an idiot as a parent and you can not ascertain that from a, less that a minute, video. I tell my kids things and they sometimes dont know what I happens. He said he explained to his son, obviously he didnt understand what was going to happen. The reason he says "poor guy" is because he feels bad that instead of seeing the humor in the situation he only felt anxiety. I wish I could see the humor in things too. My husband tends to use sarcasm a lot, my son and I do not always "get it" and its supposed to be funny.....and Im sorry but it is sad that I and my son dont see the humor. This man is trying to help his son to see the humor, he is not trying to humiliate him and make fun of him.
Now, do you understand?
If not...I dont care anymore Im tired of people like you that think you have the right to be verbally abusive to people you know nothing about!
Thank you. Unfortunately, they aren't interested in knowing or understanding. They don't care that there was no intention to hurt my son and for that matter, his reaction was completely unexpected on top of all. Our kids do things we don't expect in situations. But they already made up their minds that they know all the facts and are better than everyone else. I think it's really interesting how rant tries to justify using the word idiot by trying to tone the context or color and twist to his own liking. I'd like to see him go out on a public street and start picking things to call people idiots for and see how long he lasts. Oh, and to be clear, he has to actually verbally go ahead and call them idiots. I'm sure they'll all be more than happy to accept his lame excuse for what a great word he thinks it is to use on people.
Bottom line: If you really care about someone taking your opinion seriously, you don't call them idiots or morons or anything else that matches up with that. Words like stupid and dumb. Words we fight against every day with our conditions because we aren't any of those. The word idiot is NOT used in a contexts that are freindly and isn't considered a friendly term. It's disrespectful and rude.
It's like walking up to someone and hitting them with a baseball bat and then trying to justify it with something like "Oh I didn't mean it THAT way." When you knew full well what the outcome would be and how it would be recieved on the other end. Or another analogy is this... walking into a room filled with black people and shouting the N word at them. Then going, "Oh it's not that bad the way I use it!" Like they're going to care when it means something else entirely to them (and you know it).
So, I really don't have anything else to say to these two. I only want them to leave me alone. And I've already said that once and had it IGNORED.