It really is appalling, isn't it; what our current culture does to the poor ....
I think everyone who's posted on this topic has the right idea; empty calories, stress, affordability, lack of options ...
And I'll add, under lack of options, also geography: The poorest neighborhoods [here in the U.S. at least], have no major grocery stores. None. They have "Quick-Stops" that peddle relatively expensive single-serving packages of starch, sugar, fat. [They may also sell liquor to blunt the aches of the rest.] And that is it.
Thus, people who
a.) can't afford a car,
b.) are unemployed or under-employed,
c.) live in areas with poor public transportation,
d.) may fear going out due to neighborhood violence [itself borne of pain, frustration, abuse, neglect],
e.) are stressed and depressed,
are basically left with garbage to eat.
"The Government has a basic outline for minimum nutrition standards that many of its own people can’t hope to afford."
(I happened on this recently -- sorry for lack of attribution; I think I heard it on NPR and paraphrased after the fact.)
Ah, yes. So, add; The unchecked greed of mega-corporate mainstream, processed-food producers, and the callously short-sighted policies set by politicians most of whom focus only on their own short-term goals; the immediacies of money and power, and having enough of both of those to win their next election battle.
Where is the compassion of these folks -- both corporate and governmental -- with enough power and persuasiveness to really improve the human condition, but don't do so? And how the #^%! do they sleep at night....
Compassion is the keen awareness of the interdependence of all things. -- Thomas Merton