hartzofspace wrote:
Well, I read it, and it gave me chills, it was so relevant to my life. I absolutely loved this book, and am planning to look for a cheap, used copy on Amazon. I loved her comments on dining alone, and on deciding whether or not to have children. One thing I could never understand, was why most people feel ashamed to be eating alone, or viewing a movie at the theater, alone. If I find myself needing to grab a bite at a restaurant, I take a good book and enjoy being waited on. I found it interesting that the author briefly mentions Asperger's, but does say that she isn't on the spectrum.
Thanks for sharing this.
I've never understood the big fuss about eating alone in a restaurant or going to see a movie by myself either.
I think I'll get a copy and..........read it alone
Now then, tell me. What did Miggs say to you? Multiple Miggs in the next cell. He hissed at you. What did he say?