My parents were mean. They never really went along with my interests. They would tell me not to talk and obsess about them. They made me feel bad for having special interests.
I was also starting to develop signs of Depression at the age of 9 and I did a fair bit of crying. They didn't comfort me at all. They just kept on sending me to my room, over again.
My mum was also threatening to put me on a diet at that age, because I wasn't thin and dainty like most 9 year old girls or children of both genders for that matter.
My parents backed off for a few years and than they decided that it was wrong for me to have a Cockney accent because none of the kids around Southern British Columbia spoke like me. They kept on telling me not to talk through my nose in order to get me to lose that Cockney twang. It never worked
There was my time as a Beatles Fan. I was constantly told not to talk about them, and that if I said anything about The Beatles on the way to to see our American relatives, that we were going to turn around and come back home. There was also this other time that my dad threatened that he was going to threaten to send me to my room for the rest of the day, if I mentioned anything about The Beatles. It was also the summer after, that my mum told me that I was hooked on The Beatles as though they were a drug and that it wasn't healthy for me to be so.
Due to the whole thing surrounding The Beatles, my parents are stuck with a ghost who only says a few words about the things that they might be interested in, and than goes off on to her laptop, listens to The Kinks on YouTube, posting on WP and just keeping to herself never to hear about The Kinks, ever. Not after June the 27th, 2010 and never before.
The Family Enigma